We would love to hear from you :)

Before half term, it was lovely to receive photos and messages from you with all the lovely work you have been doing. We miss hearing from you!

We would love to see what you have been doing either during half term or anything from over the last few weeks would be great 🙂

Photos are a bonus or just a message to say hi and how you are keeping!

Please share these with us on the year 5 email – year5team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk and we will look forward to sharing them on the website for your friends to see too. You could also post them onto the St George’s Facebook page if you want to as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Holt, Mrs Branford and Mr Blair.

BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy!

Hi all,

Just a reminder that there are new lessons posted every weekday on both the BBC bitesize and Oak academy websites. You can access Literacy, Numeracy and Foundation subject lessons that you are interested in or just do the daily lesson.



Don’t forget to also practise your spellings on Spelling shed, your times tables on TTRS and a plethora of activities and resources on the Purple mash website. If you need help with any of your log on details, please email the Year 5 email address.

Year 3 spellings for Set 1 and 2

Hi year 3,

These are your new spellings for this week, they will also be added to Spelling shed and I will be keeping an eye on the leader board!  See if you can get your name up there this week.

The words this week end in -sion and the suffix -ous. There are also two words from your statutory spelling list for years 3 and 4.

Your spellings are:











Some of these words are quite challenging so if you are not sure what they mean, you could look in a dictionary or ask an adult to help you. Also try putting them into a sentence to use them in context.

Well done, year 3!

Year 3 – Set 3 spellings!

Hi Year 3,

Here are set 3’s spellings for this week. They will also be set as an assignment on Spelling shed so let’s see who can get their name on the leader board!

All the words this week contain the a-e split digraph.

Your words to practise this week are:









Good luck, super spellers!

Well-being Journal!

This week, we would like you to fill in this well-being journal to help you keep positive and happy throughout the time we can’t be together at school. There are different activities/reflections to complete each day. Feel free to dip into the resource throughout the next few weeks as you wish.


New spellings – week beginning 1st June

Hi Year 2,

We will  now be setting new spellings every week to practise at home with your families. These are now also set as a new assignment on Spelling shed.

The spelling rule is: The /er/ sound spelt with ‘or’ and the /or/ sound spelt with ‘ar’

The spellings are:











Below is a PPT explaining the new spelling rule and a variety of paper resources, including a Look, cover, write, check and wordsearch.

Year 2 Term 2B Week 4 Look, Say, Cover, Write

Year 2 Term 2B Week 4 Presentation

Year 2 Term 2B Week 4 Word List

Year 2 Term 2B Week 4 Word Search

Happy spelling, year 2!

Spelling shed!

Morning everyone,

Hope you’ve all had a wonderful time in the sunshine. Now let’s see how the leader board stands in Spelling shed!

It is all change after the weekend!

Year 5 set 3 are 1st

Year 3 set 1 are 2nd

Year 5 set 1 are 3rd

Mr Hylton’s set are 4th

and Mrs Blair’s set are 5th



Now for the children’s leader board,

Mason (Y5) – 1st

Orla (Y3) – 2nd

Oliver L (Y5) – 3rd

Samuel (Y3) – 4th

Edna (Y1) – 5th

Oliver D (Y2) – 6th

Jaidon S (Y5) – 7th

Grace (Y6) – 8th

Parker (Y3) – 9th

Emmerald (Y2) – 10th

A huge well done to all these children!

Keep it up, super spellers!

Stone age to Iron age project!

Morning everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful half term in the sunshine.

Just a reminder you have been set a challenge to research all about the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages which will be our topic this half term.

You can present this however you wish. Be as creative as you can! See previous website post for more details of when this needs to be handed in!

Take care, Year 5!

Budgeting – week beginning 1st June

We have decided to set you another budgeting task this week as you all seemed to really enjoy planning your own holiday.

So this time, we are staying at home but you will need to plan activities to keep all of the family entertained.

Your family will have 2 adults and 2 children (you can decide ages and boys or girls).

You will have a budget of £100 to keep the family entertained for 2 weeks of the Summer holidays.

Chester Zoo ready to reopen to public but face 'difficult ...  Swimming Pool - St Bees School  Alton Towers Vlog August 2019 - YouTube

Research all the lovely places you can visit and you will need to budget for cost of entry, food, drinks and any extras e.g. the gift shop.

You could visit:

  • Chester zoo
  • Park hall farm
  • Hoo farm
  • Telford town park
  • Telford ice rink
  • Anywhere else you love to visit!

We hope you have lots of fun budgeting for a fun summer and hopefully some of these places will open soon so we can visit!

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Branford, Mrs Holt and Mr Blair.

Literacy task for week beginning 1st June :)

We hope you have all had a fantastic half term and have enjoyed some lovely sunshine.

This weeks task is to complete the following Talk for Writing booklet. Your teacher’s have already made the charity donation so parents don’t need to do this as well.


When you have completed the booklet, we would love to see your information texts about your own creatures. Remember to email them to us at year5team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.

Have fun, Year 5!

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