Spelling shed – Year 2

Well done to all the children who have been playing on Spelling shed. Emmerald and Oliver D you are both in the top 10 in the whole school.

Remember you can access old spellings to refresh your memory by clicking on “More lists” then on “Past assignments”.

Happy spelling, year 2!

Spelling shed – Year 1

New spellings have now been set on Spelling shed for children in Year 1. These are some of the common exception words you have been learning this year.

Here are your spellings:









Who can earn lots of points for their team and maybe make their way up the leader board?

Happy spelling, Year 1!

Spelling shed!

It has been fantastic to see all of the children who have been practising on spelling shed over the last few weeks so we want to celebrate you!

Mrs McEvoy will be checking Spelling shed twice a week to see which class is on top as well as all of the children who are in the top 10 in the leader board.

The top 5 spelling groups in the school are:

Set 3 year 5 – 1st

Mrs Blair’s class – 2nd

Set 1 year 5 – 3rd

Miss Bibi’s class – 4th

Mr Hylton’s class – 5th

Well done 🙂

Now let’s celebrate the top 10 spellers at St George’s:

Edna (1Bl) – 1st

Mason (Y5) – 2nd

Emmerald (2B) – 3rd

Orla (Y3) – 4th

Sophie-Mai (Y5) – 5th

Olly B (Y5) – 6th

Samuel (Y3) – 7th

Charlie H (Y5) – 8th

Oliver (2BF) – 9th

Evan (2B) – 10th

A huge well done to all these children. What an achievement to be in the top 10 out of nearly 500 pupils!



Stone age to Iron age project!

Morning all,

This half term, we will be learning all about the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages.

Your job is to find out all you can about these times in History and present your project however you wish.

Stone, Bronze and Iron Age Prehistoric Workshops – Viking School ...

We were so impressed with your Ancient Greeks projects, see if you can be just as amazing with this one!

You could make:

  • A model
  • A piece of art
  • A PPT
  • A poster
  • An information booklet or anything else you fancy doing!


Remember to please email them to us so we can see the fantastic work you have done and also enter you into the competition. We will be awarding prizes for the best projects. You will have 3 weeks to complete your project.

Please make sure you have emailed it to us by Friday 12th June at 1pm. The year 5 email address is year5team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.

Good luck and happy researching, year 5!

Spelling shed update :)

Set 1 congratulations you are still on top! Set 2 are 3rd and Set 3 are 5th. Come on set 3!

The leader board is as follows:

Sophie-Mai – 2nd

Charlie – 3rd

Olly – 4th

Sophie C – 6th

Robyn – 7th

Come on Year 5, let’s get more names in this top 10!


Half term week!

Hi all,

We hope you all have a fantastic week, hopefully with some sunshine! Relax and enjoy yourselves!

For those of you who wish to keep up the routine of home learning, we have set new spellings on Spelling shed. Remember to keep practising on TTRS and other maths games. All of the previous lessons from BBC bitesize and the Oak academy are also available on the individual websites.



Spelling shed

It is all change this morning on Spelling shed! Mrs Branford’s set are back on top, Mrs Holt’s set are 2nd and my set are 3rd.

Big well done to the following children in the top 10 in the school!

Charlie – 1st (well done Charlie!)

Olly – 2nd (you are so close! Can you get back on top?)

Sophie-Mai – 3rd

Oliver L – 4th

Sophie C – 7th

New spelling list and new assignment on Spelling shed will be set tomorrow morning.

Happy spelling!

Spellings week beginning 25th May

You will have 2 weeks to practise these spellings as next week is half term.

These spellings are all homophones which means they are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.











Perhaps you could practise these words by writing them in sentences. If you are unsure of a meaning of a word, you could use a dictionary or ask an adult to help you. I will add these spellings onto Spelling shed too, so you will able to continue to practise your spellings on there too.

Keep practising, super spellers!

Plastic pollution project competition winners!

Can we say a huge well done to all of you who have taken part. The standard of work submitted has been fantastic and we are so proud of all of your hard work. We also hope you have enjoyed learning all about plastic pollution too!

Each child who submitted their project will be awarded a prize. Well done to Nathan, Robyn, Mason, Ruby, Evie, Jaidon S, Olly B, Oliver L and Szabina.

Here are the winning pieces below.

In 1st place is Robyn with her fantastic PPT.

Plastic Pollution.

In 2nd place is Nathan with his beautiful poster.

And in 3rd place is Ruby with her creative poem.

We would also like to say a special well done to Mason and Szabina who have sent us lots of emails containing work they have been busy doing at home. You will also both be receiving a special prize.

Year 5 on top in Spelling shed!

Well done to Set 3 who are top, set 1 who are 2nd and set 2 in 3rd place overtaking Mr Hylton’s set.

Rankings are as follows:

Olly B – 1st

Charlie – 2nd

Oliver L – 4th

Georgia – 5th

Sophie-Mai – 6th

Oliver G – 7th

Let’s see if we can get all of year 5 names in the top 10! Keep it up super spellers!

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