Keeping fit!

We would love to see some photos of ways you are exercising and keeping healthy at home. Here is an activity to get you started! Remember to have lots of fun!

Reminder – Plastic pollution project!

Good afternoon children,

Just a little reminder to please submit your plastic pollution projects by Friday at 1pm at the latest. We will be judging them Friday and letting you know by the end of the day. Thank you to all the children who have submitted them so far, they have all been brilliant!

Remember we will be awarding various prizes so it is well worth sending us your entry.

Stay safe all!


BBC Bitesize!

Hi everyone,

We just wanted to remind you all of the fantastic lessons that you can access on the BBC bitesize website. All of the previous weeks lessons are on there so have a scroll through and choose some of the lessons that you are interested in!

Today’s lessons are: adding and subtracting fractions; using similes and metaphors and in History you can learn all about King Henry VIII.

Have fun, Year 5.

Can you help to plan your family holiday?

Hi everyone 🙂

We have a little challenge for you all this week to do a little bit of problem solving and plan your own family holiday. We use maths all the time in our day to day lives and it is very important to learn the important skills of budgeting so you have everything you need.

So here is what you need to do.

Your challenge is to ‘book’ a holiday for 2 adults and 2 children to anywhere you wish to go during the summer holidays.

You will need to record the name of destination, name & cost of hotel/accommodation, flight cost & details (airline, times & flight numbers).

You must think about the following criteria and stay within your budget.

Your budget is £2500 for flights, accommodation & food.


  • 2 adults and 2 children (below the age of 12), so you will need a family room.
  • 7 nights
  • Transfers (getting to and from the airport to your accommodation).
  • Baggage (2 suitcases for your family)
  • Consider food and spending money in your budget too.

Below are some holiday companies websites to get you started.

Holiday companies

  • TUI
  • Thomas Cook
  • Jet2
  • On the beach
  • Travelsupermarket

Have lots of fun Year 5, we hope you enjoy ‘booking’ your own holiday! (Please don’t really book, this is a fun activity to give you some practise at real life budgeting!)


Spelling shed!

Well done to Set 3, who are still on top! Set 1 are a close 2nd and set 2 are in 4th place. below Mr Hylton’s set. Olly is in 1st place, closely followed by his sister Jorgie in Year 3. Huge well done to Charlie H who is in 3rd place, a great achievement after only recently starting playing again after misplaced log on details!

A big well done to all the other children in Year 5 who have been playing and contributing points to their team. These children are in no particular order; Evie, Lacey, Reece, Jack C, Keaton, Mason, Szabina, Oliver G, Georgia, Jaidon S, Jamie, Heidi, Sophie, Robyn, Oliver L and Sophie-Mai!

Well done super spellers!

Spellings – week beginning 18th June

This is the last of your 4 weeks of spellings containing silent letters.

Here they are:












Don’t forget to keep practising on spelling shed!

Spelling shed!

Whoopee, we are still on top in Set 3! Well done to Olly B and Mason who have played the most in our set. Georgia you are 3rd, good girl!

A special well done to Charlie, as I know you lost your spelling shed log on so can now play with all of us and you are 9th in the whole school! Fantastic!

Keep on playing year 5, it will really make a big difference to your spelling knowledge!

Spelling shed – Set 3 are on top!

Wow set 3, what a fantastic surprise to see that we are top of the whole school for the first time ever! A big well done to Olly B and Mason who have scored most of our points. Olly you are 2nd and Mason you are 3rd in the whole school!

Set 1 you are now 2nd and set 2 you are 3rd – a super effort year 5 being top of the school leader board!

A huge well done also to Georgia R who is currently top speller of the whole school with 80,796,572! Wow!

Keep it up, Year 5! 🙂

Week beginning 11th May – Measures

This week we are going to have lots of fun measuring practically!

Hopefully the weather will stay nice so you can do some of your measuring outside.

Activity ideas – Length

  1. Measure the area of your bedroom. Use a tape measure or any other measuring tools you have at home to measure the length and width of your room. Now use long multiplication or a calculator to x the two numbers together to find the area.
  2. Use a tape measure to measure the perimeter or your garden, add up the length of the sides.
  3. Make a ramp and then measure how far different cars travel. You could use different materials on the ramp to see if they effect how far the car travels.


  1. Collect a variety of containers, now estimate how much liquid you think each will hold and then measure accurately using a measuring jug (ask and adult and be careful with this).
  2. Can you make a potion/perfume/special drink containing different liquids? Write a recipe for others to follow with how many ml of each liquid is needed.


  1. You could bake something with your family, this involves lots of weighing of different ingredients. Maybe you could create or adapt your own recipe.
  2. If you have bathroom scales use these to weigh a variety of objects around your home.
  3. If any of you do not have scales in the home, you could estimate how heavy and object is and compare with other objects.

After you’ve had a go at some of the practical activities, have a look at these worksheets which contain the sort of questions you will see in assessments.



And finally for those who like a super challenge, some Year 6 worded problems.

Year 6 Measurement Solve Problems Units of Measure Maths Mastery Challenge Cards


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