World Book Day in Reception

We have had a brilliant day today dressing up for World Book Day. We have coloured bookmarks, shared our favourite books with our friends, read with our buddies in Year 3 and even did ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ yoga! Here are some of the photos of our day.

Morning writing

We have been trying really hard on our writing recently practising every morning when we come in. On a Thursday, we have a picture and have to describe what we can see. Here is some of RM’s fantastic writing.

Pancake making in Reception!

We made and ate some pancakes on Thursday after learning about Mr Wolf’s pancakes this week. We all talked about the ingredients we would need and then watched Mrs Bridgewater make the batter and then cook the pancakes. Mrs Bridgewater was brilliant at flipping the pancakes! We enjoyed our pancakes with lemon and sugar!

Tricky words!

This week, we have been learning the tricky words was, you and they. Could you please practise these with your child at home. Maybe you could write them on flashcards and stick them on the fridge or next to the mirror where your child brushes their teeth to help them remember them! Thank you for your help with this!


Reception Handwriting Competition Winners!

Here are the some of the winners of the Reception handwriting competition. All of the children tried really hard but these children stood out as having consistently good handwriting or they had made excellent progress since starting school in September.

Reception – Stickman writing

We have enjoyed our work about Stickman this week. Some children in my class did some fantastic writing all about Stickman! Well done!

Phonics assessments

This week, we are completing the Autumn 2 phonics assessments. We have been so pleased to see how much progress your children have made with their phonics. They now know lots more of the phase 2 sounds and lots of us are now blending really well. The thing lots of children found tricky in the assessment though was the tricky words. Here is a video to practise the tricky words at home with your child. Thank you.

Tricky Words and Sight Words Song (


Reception’s Odd sock day

We have had a lovely day today for Odd sock day. We had a special assembly all about celebrating our differences and how it would be a very boring world if we were all the same. We have worn odd socks today to help us remember the importance of everyone being different and how we should be kind to everyone.

Dentist visit

On Tuesday, we had a visit from a lady from the 0-19 healthcare team. She talked to us about how to keep our teeth nice and healthy. We talked about how to brush our teeth effectively, how long to brush for and how often. We also talked about spitting and not rinsing. We talked about which foods were healthy for our teeth and had a go at brushing the dragons teeth.


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