Spelling shed :)

Your new spellings for this week are in the spellings folder and are also on Spelling shed.

Well done to Set 1 who are top of the school.

Children in the top 20 in the whole school are:

Heidi – 1st

Sophie-Mai – 2nd

Robyn – 4th

Oliver G – 9th

Sophie C – 10th

Oliver L – 13th

George H – 15th

Special mention to Reece, Skye D and Jack C who have also been playing lots of games over the last week!

Fantastic effort Year 5. Let’s see if we can get even more Year 5’s up there!


Year 5 email address

Hi everyone,

We are all very eager to keep in touch with you all, hear how you are getting on and also see examples of all the fantastic work you have been doing at home.

On the website each week, there will be a variety of activities for you to complete in Maths, English and Foundation. If you are really proud of a piece of work you have completed or have photos to show we would love to see them!

You can now share direct to your year 5 teachers by emailing at the following email address:


Keep up all your hard work Year 5, we are very proud of you!

Maths tasks for week beginning 27th April

Hi everyone,

Here are some maths activities to have a go at throughout the week.

Multiplication and Division Learning from Home – Workbook – Booklet

Multiplication and Division Learning from Home – Answer Book – Boolket

For the long division, remember the turtle head method we learnt in Set 3 to help you. Below is a link to a youtube video which clearly explains this method.

Something else lots of you have found trick is multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. The PPT below will show you how to do this easily by moving the numbers in their place value columns. Have a little look at the PPT if you’re unsure.

Multiplying and dividing by 10 100 1000

Remember you can also access BBC bitesize daily maths lessons as well as the daily challenge through the White rose maths party (see previous post on website for link to this). You also all have logins to TTRS so keep on practising those times tables, they are so important!

Enjoy everyone 🙂

Your Year 5 teachers.

Spellings week beginning 27th April

This weeks spellings have silent letters in them. The last 2 are from the Y5/6 statutory spelling list.

Here they are:










Hi everyone :)

Hi everyone,

On Monday, we will be posting a variety of activities for you all to have a go at in English, Maths and Foundation subjects. There will be a variety of activities for you to dip into throughout the week.

Here are some non-screen activities (borrowed from Mrs Owen in Y3 – thank you Mrs Owen) for you to be having a go at!

25 non-screen activities

We hope those of you who joined in really enjoyed Mr P’s quiz this morning. We loved seeing your photos on Facebook 🙂

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine everyone and stay safe!

Your Year 5 teachers.

St George’s Day!

Hi folks,

Here are a few St George’s day activities you might fancy having a go at, as well as all the ideas which have been suggested e.g. draw/paint a picture/do some writing etc.

Reading comps



See if you can design a dragon and then write a description of what he looks like and his personality, is he a nice or a naughty dragon?


Here is a SPAG quest for you to have a go at.

Saint Georges Quest for the Beast


Don’t forget to also have a look at the BBC Bitesize daily lessons. This week as well as daily lessons in Maths and English, there is also a History, Geography, Science and Music lesson to get stuck into 🙂

Try and complete some of these activities over the next few days and either email or get mum/dad to post on Facebook so we can see what you have achieved.


Well done to all the children who have been playing TTRS over the last few weeks.

A special mention to Matthew, Olly B, Theo, Charlie, Aaruren, Elizabeth, Darcy J, Lily, Ruby and Sarah-Louise who have a been playing lots since we’ve been off school.

Keep up your hard work, Year 5!

Spelling shed!

It is fantastic to see that Year 5 have been playing lots on spelling shed this week!

Set 1 you are top of the school again with set 2 in 8th and set 3 in 9th.

Shout outs to Sophie-Mai, Heidi and Robyn who are all in the top 10 of the whole school. Nathan, George and Mason you are all in the top 20, can you catch up with the girls this week?

Keep it up spellers!


Some maths resources you may wish to use!

Happy Tuesday everyone  🙂

Today’s daily lesson (21st April) is all about different methods to add and subtract. It will revise the methods we have taught you and may even teach you some new methods. Please also have a go at the practise activities.

If you need some further practise, here are some activities you can have a go at.






Don’t forget to keep practising those times tables too! You all have logins to Times tables rock stars (please let us know if you cannot access) and there are also lots of other online games you can play such as hit the button. Try googling times tables games or also looking on the BBC bitesize website.

Stay safe everyone 🙂

From your Year 5 teachers.

Mr P’s numeracy ideas!

Each week, Mr Porteous emails the teachers links or ideas of ways to support our teaching and your learning in maths.

Here is a link to the White rose maths hub, who are launching daily online maths lessons live! Have fun!

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