School disco!

We had such a wonderful time at our first ever school disco! Here is a photo of the best bit when the foam came!

Maths – it’s me 1,2,3!

This week, we have completed our learning on it’s me 1,2,3! We talked about 1 more and 1 less and have taken part in lots of different activities. Here are some photos of what we have been up to.

Forming letter a

This week, we have been learning how to write the letter a. We have learnt the formation phrase ‘around the astronauts helmet and down into space’. This is a tricky letter to write so please practise this at home too! Thank you.

Little wandle assessments

This week, we have completed our first Little Wandle phonics assessment. The children have all done brilliantly and shown us what they have learnt. We will be updating Tapestry with the sounds your child needs to practise and how they got on. If you could please practise these with your child it will help them to learn them more quickly. After half term, we will be learning lots of new sounds as well as revising the ones we have already learnt.
Have a lovely half term!

Reception celebrate Yellow day!

Today we celebrated World Mental Health day by dressing up in Yellow clothes. It was so lovely to see the children looking so colourful. We talked about how we were feeling and lots of children said they felt happy because of their yellow top or yellow dress. Here are some photos of us all under the balloon arch!

Welcome to Reception at St George’s School

We are so excited to see you all again after the summer holidays. We hope you have all had a lovely break and are eager to start your school journey with us.

Just a reminder we will be doing a staggered start and shorter day on your child’s first day which is Wednesday 6th September.

Please see below for your classes start and finish times. To help our organisation, please stick to these times as closely as possible. Please come through the gate you came in through on the induction morning.

RC – 9-1.30pm

RB – 9.10 – 1.40pm

RM – 9.20 – 1.50pm

Children will be having a school lunch on this day or if you would rather please send a lunch box, thank you. Just a reminder that in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 ALL children are entitled to a free school lunch.

As we are predicted hot weather for the rest of the week, could you please ensure your child comes to school with sun cream already applied and that they bring a sun hat and water bottle.

We look forward to seeing all your smiling faces on Wednesday morning.

The Reception team 🙂

Happy first day of School - typography design. Good for ...


4 out of 5 of RMs butterflies emerged from their cocoons last week. We were so excited to release them into our forest schools area.


This week we have been really busy building bridges. We had to do lots of problem solving to work out how to make the bridges stronger.

American diner dinner day

All of the children who had dinners today absolutely loved the theming of the American diner! The food was also delicious. Thank you to all the ladies in the kitchen for the delicious food and fantastic decorations!

Tree cutting

Yesterday we had such an exciting morning watching the tree next to the car park be cut down. We were particularly excited when a big branch fell and also when the branches went into the chipper. It made an excellent sound!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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© St George's C of E Primary School and Nursery 2023
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