Happy birthday Jesus!

We had such a wonderful time putting on our nativity this year. Thank you for all your support coming to watch us. The children were absolutely amazing!

Feeling festive in Reception!

We are having a brilliant time in Reception doing all of our Christmas activities. We hope your child enjoyed the star biscuit they brought home yesterday.

Phonics assessments

We have now completed our phonics assessment for the first half term. We are so impressed with how well the children have done and look forward to teaching lots of new sounds after half term. This week, we are revisiting some of the sounds children are finding tricky to recall.

Dentist visit

Today the dentist came to visit Reception and talked to us about how to keep our teeth healthy. She told us all about how often and for how long to brush our teeth and what foods help to keep our teeth healthy. Please ask your child all about what they have learnt.

Homework – Letter formation

We have been working really hard in school at writing our name using the correct letter formation in a morning and also learning lots of letter sounds. We have been practising writing these in our phonics sessions and thinking really carefully about how to form our letters correctly.

We will be sending home a sheet next week with phrases of how to form each of the letters correctly.


Our caretaker visit

Last Friday, Mr Seddon-Doyle came to visit us. He came to talk to us about all the jobs he does in a morning. He told us how many toilets there are in the whole school. Over 40 toilets! We are really enjoying our visits from different adults in school.

Phonics week 4

This week we have been learning the sounds

ck e u r

Here are the videos of the lessons we have taught this week.



Homework in St George’s!

In Reception at St George’s, we use the app Tapestry to communicate with parents, upload observations and assessments and share photos of what your child is doing in school. We use this to regularly set small tasks which you can do at home, you can send us photos and videos on Tapestry which helps to develop and maintain home-school links and helps your child’s development.

We are in the process of setting up Tapestry accounts and information of how to log on and access will follow soon.

Phonics at St George’s

Next week, we will be starting our phonics programme which is called ‘Little Wandle’. Below is a link to the Little Wandle website where you can find out lots of information, including the correct pronunciation of the phonemes and the order they are taught.

Next week, we will be starting with the phonemes (sounds) s,a,t,p.


Welcome to Reception at St George’s Primary School!

A very warm welcome from all the Reception team at St George’s. We would like to say a huge well done to all the children for coming in so well this week and for how well they have settled into school. Thank you for all your support with this. Tomorrow we will be looking forward to welcoming all children in full time 8.40am until 3.15pm. Please always bring a coat as our weather is so changeable and ensure all clothes are labelled especially cardigans and jumpers! PE will be next Thursday. Children will need to wear their PE kit to school and keep it on all day. Any questions please contact us on the Reception email address which is receptionteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.

Thank you and we are so excited to start this journey with you and your child.

Starting School | Claverley C of E Primary School

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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© St George's C of E Primary School and Nursery 2023
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