Happy World Book Day from Reception!

We have had a brilliant day today dressing up for World Book Day. We have read lots of stories, done a book scavenger hunt and even had a go at making our own mini books! We hope your child has had a wonderful day and enjoys telling you about all the exciting things we have done.


Pancake day!

Yesterday we had a brilliant time cooking and then eating pancakes. Those of us who’d had them for tea shared their favourite toppings and then we chose what we wanted on our pancake and tried them. It was fab!

Stir fry cooking!

This week in Reception, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year and have cooked stir fry as part of our activities. All of the children gave it a sniff, most tried it and lots ate it all up and said it was lovely!


Thank you so much to Mrs Humphries who has planted our plants. We are very excited to watch them grow and have talked in school about our schools value of respect and making sure we all look after our plants.

Spring 1 topic – Winter

This half term, we will be looking at Winter. We will be thinking about what it is like during the season of Winter, how we can keep warm, looking at seasonal changes and what it is like for animals during this season. We will also be doing some lovely winter art including junk modelling – making igloos, making light and dark pictures, mixing colours to create wintery scenes and singing winter songs.
Hopefully it will get a bit colder and maybe we might even have some snow to explore and play in!

Encourage your child to talk about what they have been learning in school. We share lots of the lovely things we have been doing in school on Tapestry and on the website. It would be lovely to see some of the fantastic things you have been doing at home too!

Kids playing outdoors in winter Clipart Image

Happy Holidays!

Morning everyone,

Wishing you all a fantastic Summer holidays! You have all worked so hard this year and all of your year 5 teachers are so proud of you! We hope you have a wonderful and peaceful summer break and are looking forward to seeing you as Year 6’s in September.

Remember to keep doing lots of reading as this will really help you next year. Remember the summer reading challenge if you need some inspiration of what to read next.

Summer Reading Challenge | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for lots of lovely sunny weather so we can enjoy the outdoors too. Keep safe and be good for your mums/dads and grown ups!

See you in September 🙂

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Branford, Mrs Holt and Mr Blair.

We wish you Happy Summer Holidays!... - Glykorama Creations | Facebook

Winners – Science Project – Living things!

Well done to the children who have submitted their projects on the year 5 email. We only received 4 contributions so it makes these children’s efforts all the more impressive!

We have already shared Ruby and Mason’s work but would like to show you what Evie and Szabina have sent too.

Evie’s project 

Szabina’s project

All four of these children will receive a prize for their fantastic projects as we couldn’t choose between you.

Well done 🙂

Spelling shed – last update 13th July 2020!

A huge well done to all the children who have been playing Spelling shed over the last few weeks and months. I have been so impressed with how many of you have been playing and contributing lots of points to your team.

Well done to:

  1. Year 3, set 1 (still on top with a huge 174,180,318 points)
  2. 2B (still 2nd – amazing)
  3. Year 5, set 1 (up 1 place)
  4. Year 3, set 2 (up 1 place)
  5. Year 4, set 2 (new to top 5!)

And for all the children in the top 10, you have been working so hard. Well done to:

  1. Orla P (Y3)
  2. Oliver H (Y3)
  3. Taylor – 2B (new to the top 10 – well done)
  4. Amelia (Y3)
  5. Harman (Y2)
  6. Isabelle C (Y3)
  7. Robyn (Y5)
  8. Darcy J (Y5)
  9. Alexander – Y3 (new to the top 10 – well done)
  10. Evan D (Y2)

You can still practise on Spelling shed during the holidays if you wish to. All previous spellings are saved onto your account.

Have a lovely Summer,


Mrs McEvoy 🙂

Literacy work – week beginning 13th July!

This is the last week of our home learning journey together! We really hope you have enjoyed the activities and have learnt lots!

For our final activities together, we would love you to complete some of the grammar or writing activities on the ‘Natural curriculum’ website.

These are linked to lots of BBC natural history clips and cover lots of different grammar and writing activities!

Have a little explore but we thought the Orca’s activity looked interesting in the School closure home learning area of the website.


Help - Natural Curriculum

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British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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