Over the last couple of weeks we have shared lots of activities for you to carry out. These also include some exciting projects!

I will recap them below in case you have missed any that might interest you.

  1. Science fortnight project. In Year 5, your task is to research the inventor Alexander Graham Bell and carry out some associated experiments. There is also the whole school ‘Spinners’ activity you can take part in.
  2. Artist in a box whole school project. Your task is to create a box showcasing the artist Monet. The competition deadline is Friday 10th July.
  3. Sports activities from last weeks ‘Virtual sports week’ are all saved on the website too in case you didn’t get chance to complete them all.
  4. Our new project to research in Science is Living things and David Attenborough. We would love to see as many of your projects as possible! These need to be sent to the Year 5 email by 1pm on Friday 10th July.
  5. Each week there is also lots of Literacy and Numeracy activities posted. Please keep an eye out for these too as it is really important we keep these fundamental skills going.

Please get in touch if you need any help, advice or support. You can contact us on the year 5 email or by phoning school.

Mrs McEvoy, Mrs Branford, Mrs Holt and Mr Blair.

My Green City activity!

This week, we would love for you to work your way through the PPTs to design your own sustainable city. You can print off all the resources you will need on the website below.


On the main website, there is also lots of other resources you may want to explore so feel free to have a look around and see what you fancy.

When you have completed your work, can you please share your work with us on the year 5 email. We love seeing all your work!

Spelling shed players – Year 5 and 6!

Well done to all of the following children who have contributed points to their teams this week.

Year 5, set 3 – Keaton, Oliver G

Year 5, set 2 – Charlie, Darcy J, Evie, Reece, Ruby

Year 5, set 1 – Grace Williamson, Robyn, Sophie C

Year 6, set 1 – I can’t see your class, sorry.

Year 6, set 2 – Brodie, Miley-Mae, Sophie

Year 6, set 3 – Alec

Come on Year 5 and 6! Let’s get more children practising their spellings and see if you can get your name and class on the leader board.

Spelling shed players – Year 3 and 4!

Well done to all of the following children who have contributed points to their team.

3O – Liberty and Parker

Set 2, Year 3 – Georgina, Habibat, Isabelle C, Isabelle P, Jorgie, Shay and Tomasz

Set 1, Year 3 – Amelia, Dillon, Ethan, Orla and Toby

Great effort, year 3. Let’s see if we can get even more names to celebrate later in the week.

4RG – Acelina, Brooke, Colbey, Eleanor, Haadiya, Harrison, India

Set 1, Year 4 – AJ, Aron, Edward, Eesha, Faith, Layla, Lewis, Maya

Set 3, Year 4 – I can’t see your class, sorry.

Wow, year 4. Lots of you have been playing, see if you can get your name and your set onto the leader boards.


Spelling shed players – Year 1 and Year 2!

Well done to all of these children who have contributed points to their teams in the last 7 days.

1BE – Ellie-Mai

1BL – No players 🙁

1M – No players 🙁

Oh dear, come on Year 1! Let’s get some more of you practising your spellings!

2B – Carter, Evan, Harman, Jerome, Rupert

2BF – Edward, Oliver, Oscar

2P – Matilda

Let’s see if we can get a few more players, I will post an update in a few days and hopefully we will have some more children to celebrate!

Spelling shed update – 6th July 2020

I can see lots of you have been very busy over the weekend on Spelling shed – well done!

The classes leader board is as follows:

  1. Year 3, set 1
  2. Year 4, set 1
  3. Year 3, set 2
  4. 2B
  5. Year 5, set 1

And the children’s leader board:

  1. Orla (remains on top!)
  2. Layla C (up 3 places)
  3. Robyn (up 4 places)
  4. Darcy J (up 4 places)
  5. Amelia O
  6. Georgina T (up 3 places)
  7. Evan (up 3 places)
  8. Isabelle C
  9. Dillon C
  10. Harman

In my next post, I will be sharing children who have contributed points to their classes but might not have made it onto the leader board. Keep playing everyone, it really will make a massive difference to your spelling!

Rupert’s Spinners!

A big well done to Rupert, who has shared some videos of spinners he has made, as part of our Science fortnight activities.

You are a star, Rupert!

We would love to see more of your experiments. Remember to share them with us at nurseryteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.

Year 3, set 3 spellings week beginning 6th June

This weeks spellings are some common exception words which don’t fit into normal spelling patterns.

These words are:









We have set these spellings to take you up until the end of term, the 15th July. You can continue practising your spellings by going into ‘previous lists’ on Spelling Shed.

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