Year 2 Maths

Today we explored how a 2-digit number can be partitioned in different ways.  We made the number using dienes and then partitioned it in 4 different ways.


Year 2 Geography

This week in Geography we started our new topic about Farming and Food – Where does our food come from? We learned about different types of farms and why farms are important.

Year 2 Maths

Today we worked in pairs to represent a two-digit number. We had to select a card and then use equipment or pictures to build that number in different ways. We had to recognise how many tens there were first by looking at the tens digit and then recognise how many ones there were by looking at the ones digit.


Year 2 RE

Today we had a visitor who came to talk to us about Islam. Sulaiman, is an Imaan at Telford Central Mosque. He talked to us about Islam and the mosque and we had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and learn more about the Islamic faith.


Summer 2 Spellings

Here is a list of all the spellings that Mrs Probert’s and Miss Morgan’s group will be focusing on during Summer 2. The children will learn the rule every week and practise their spellings daily in school during our spelling session. The spellings are also uploaded to Spelling Shed weekly  so using their log in the children can practise them using a range of spelling games at home too. A spelling test will take place on a Friday every week.

Summer 2 Weekly spelling lists


Year 2 Puppets

Over several lessons we have been making an animal glove puppet. We decided which animal we would like to make and drew our designs. We used our sewing skills to fix the two pieces of fabric together using a running stitch. When we had finished sewing  we added on some extra features like  eyes, paws or tummy.


Year 2 First Aid Workshop

Today we had a special visitor called Kelly who led a Mini First Aid workshop for us. We learned about what we should do if someone hurts themselves at school, how we could help people, how to put on a plaster, how to use a bandage, when to use an ice pack and who to phone in an emergency. We had a brilliant session.


Year 2 Science

Today, we tested the strength of a single strand of tissue paper by hanging a carrier bag from it and we gently added beanbags to the bag to see how much weight the paper strip could hold until it broke. We then worked in groups to design and make the strongest rope we could from 2 strips of tissue paper. We tested the strength of our ropes and made sure it was a fair test.

Year 2 History

In History we pretended that we lived during Victorian times and had gone to the seaside. We wrote a postcard to a relative to share what we had done there.

Year 2 RE

This week our RE lesson has focused on peace. We went outside to look at the school environment and we talked about how nature made us feel peaceful and calm. We wrote prayers all about peace.


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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