Sticker Jobs

We are always very busy in Reception. Sometimes we have super important jobs to do for our teachers. These jobs will help us learn lots of new things. If your child comes out wearing a sticker like this, you could ask them what their ‘sticker job’ was. These will not be every day but they will do at least 2 every week.

First time in the hall.

Today, Reception went into the hall. Kevin taught us how to take our socks and shoes off and put them on a bench carefully. We had lots of fun dancing to the freeze song and gummy bear. Kevin then taught us how to ‘try, try, try again’ with our socks and shoes to get them back on. We all did really well for our first time.

Our fantastic year in Reception

All the things we have enjoyed

This morning, we had a reflective morning in Reception. We talked about our year, what we have learned and what we have enjoyed. We made a list together of all the events, activities and different things we have done. The children remembered more than the adults.

The link above will take you to the MASSIVE long list-we decided its the biggest list we’ve ever seen!


Year 6 performance

Reception and Nursery really enjoyed watching the Year 6 performance rehearsal this morning. The children sat beautifully and were a fantastic audience. We loved the songs and the jokes.

Warm weather

As we finally appear to be having some better weather, can Reception children have a named sun hat and a water bottle in school every day please. Thank you.

Reception Sports day information

Reception and Nursery sports Day- Monday 24th June 2024 1.30pm Please can your child come to school on that day wearing their PE kit with a water bottle, sun hat and suitable shoes for running. Parents will be able to access the field from 1.15pm. You will be able to watch and cheer from the opposite side of the track to where your children are. Please do not cross the track as it can make it tricky for staff to organise the children. You are welcome to take photographs, but can we please remind you that NO videos or photographs must be shared using social media. This is for safeguarding reasons.

Reception sewing

This week, we have been enjoying ‘The Scarecrows Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson. The spider helped to sew Betty’s wedding dress so we thought we’d have a go at sewing too. We managed to thread needles and make some lovely stitches.

Year 5 Micro:bit club

We had a fantastic start to our coding club tonight with some Micro:bit exploration. The children learnt how to turn them on, connect them to the laptops and then write simple code to change the display and make them play music. We’re already excited to see what we can learn next week.

Reception Bakers

Reception’s story of the week is ‘The Little Red Hen’. To make sure that we are all good helpers, we have all taken a turn to make bread. We enjoyed feeling and shaping the dough. It then got baked so we could take it home. The delicious smell has certainly made our mouths water.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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