Get squiggling

This week, during our multi-sensory “squiggle whilst you wiggle”sessions, we have been working hard on our ‘over the bridge’ moves. We use our flappers to dance the move, then we use pens to draw the movements ion wipeable plastic-the goal is to make the shapes but also try not to get pen on our hands!


There was much excitement in Reception on Tuesday afternoon. We had a slept afternoon with Jacob the rugby coach and then used the laptops. We looked at the screen, keyboard and ‘mouse pad’. We talked about the internet and how to keep safe when using it. We then played a CBeebies game making sure we shared and took turns.

Spring term Phonics overview


We are continuing to follow The Letters and Sounds scheme.

This term, we will be revising our phase 2 sounds and starting to learn the phase 3 sounds. We will be continuing the work on blending and segmenting to ensure that children have fully mastered this key skill.  Here is a handy blending guide to help you at home.

This week (5.1.21) we will be revising the di-graphs ff,ll,ss and the tricky words the, no, into.

Your child will be reading to an adult at least once a week in school and we encourage you all to get back into the habit of regular reading at home (at least 4 times a week) and writing in the reading diary. The phonics books are changed every Tuesday and Friday and your child can change their story book whenever they want to.

We will continue to choose a ‘Reader of the week’ from each class every Friday who will receive a special sticker, a book mark and they also get to choose from the Readers Treasure Chest.

Baby Jesus in the manger

We have spent a lot of time talking about the Christmas story. Yesterday afternoon, we made edible mangers with chocolate straw and popped a baby Jesus in each one.

Exciting visitor

There was much excitement in school this morning. We had a very special visitor on the playground. All the children were very excited to see him.

Christmas dinner

A huge thank you to the kitchen staff and lunchtime supervisors who managed to feed the children and staff today with a delicious Christmas dinner. Reception made party hats and we all enjoyed the food and festivities.

Shark in the snow

On Friday, we had a very exciting assembly. The author Nick Sharratt did a live zoom where he talked to us about his shark books, He explained how to draw sharks and read us his new story ‘Shark in the snow’. We all loved listening and found it very funny when he wore his shark hat.

Las Posadas

This afternoon, Mrs Sixsmith came down for a special assembly. We talked about advent, lighting candles and how the Christian church now has purple cloth on their altar to represent Advent. We also looked at the ‘Las Posadas’ boxes we have in each classroom. These contain a porcelain Joseph, a porcelain Mary and a candle to light (a battery operated one). We talked about the Mexican tradition of Las Posadas and how we are all preparing for Christmas. We also said a prayer.


To show everyone how well our pencil control is developing, we had a go at repeating the very first squiggle we had done way back when we started school. We did very careful curved and straight lines to draw the spider. Due to our hard work in maths, we were also able to make sure we had drawn 4 legs on each side of the spider.

Phonics and stories

We are now coming to the end of our Phase 2 phonics sounds. Over the next week, we will be checking the sounds the children know and helping them to use these sounds when reading.

Thank you for all your support with this over this term. The children have amazed us with how well they are learning the sounds.

Please continue to write in their reading diaries regularly as we enjoy seeing how proud the children are of their reading abilities.

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