It’s beginning to look a lot like ………


This week, we have started our festive preparations. We will be putting up a tree, making paper chains, reading Christmas stories, singing Christmas songs and making lots of Christmas crafts.


If you do any festive activities at home, please upload them to tapestry so we can see what else is going on.

Toothy Grins!

On Thursday,  we had a visit from the Local Health Authority. They came to talk to the children about Dental health. The children really enjoyed the talk and loved meeting the Dragon puppets-one of them even sprayed us with water!
We had a teeth brushing demonstration and they talked about how to keep our teeth healthy through the food we eat and the drinks we drink. They children have all brought home a leaflet with some more information on it. It was a very exciting session and Mrs Sixsmith heard the laughter from her office.

Be Kind Online

Today is National ‘Be Kind Online’ day. Kindness is one of our school values and we have been talking in class about how we can be kind to others both in the real and digital world. The children have shared and talked about the poster below in class.


17th September

13 Big Smiley-Face Emoticon Images - Big Smile Smiley-Face, Big Grin Smiley- Face and Happy Smiley Face /

What a super first full week. The children are getting incredibly independent at putting their things away in the lockers every morning and they are settling into the new routines really well. Its lovely to see them coming in with big smiles on their faces.

This week, the teachers have been working with the children on their listening skills, hearing initial sounds in words,  following instructions and having fun in school.

Today, we had a very special visitor-Mr Hylton came down to play us some music and teach us a song. It was lovely to hear some live music!

We have also done our first PE in the hall. We all had a really good go at taking our socks and shoes off and enjoyed dancing to the freeze song.

Freeze song.

Our tidy up music this week was the theme from Jurassic park.

Jurassic park theme


Activities to try at home

Can your child retell the Goldilocks story?

Can you sing the Goldilocks song?

Can you find different sized objects and order them? Big, medium sized, and small things like the 3 bears.

Can you describe a journey you do often e.g. a walk to school, a trip to the shops. What do you see on the way.


Next week, we will continue talking about Goldilocks and the Three Bears and will be playing with porridge oats, making masks and telling stories.


Autumn Term First Half.

This half term, we will be looking at Traditional tales.

We will learn all about Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, Red Riding Hood and The 3 Little Pigs.

We will build houses, cook, make tall towers to reach the sky, disguises to fool the wolf and paint pictures from the stories.

We will also be learning about our school building and the grown ups that work here.

Well done.

Well done Reception. You have had a super first week in school and we are very proud of how well you have come in and adjusted to all the new routines.

You are using the lockers well to keep your things safe and are trying really hard to use knives and forks at lunchtimes.

We look forward to seeing you all next week ready for more fun.


Phase 1 phonics.

In Reception, we follow the ‘Letters and Sounds’ phonics scheme.

For the first half term, we will be working on our Phase 1 skills.

By encouraging all the children to join in and develop their skills, it will help them to begin to understand how sounds and words work to help them to develop their early reading and writing skills.

We will be looking at

1-Environmental sounds. What sounds can we hear around us. Are they loud? Quiet? What might be making the sounds?

2-Instrumental sounds. How can you play these instruments. Can you find the instrument that made that sound? Can you copy a sequence of 3 sounds in the right order?

3-Body percussion. Can you sing songs and action rhymes?

4-Rhythm and Rhyme. Can you clap out the syllables in a word/name? Can you hear and make up rhyming words? Which word does/doesn’t rhyme?

5-Alliteration. What sound does this word begin with? Can you play I spy?

6-Voice sounds. Can you use your mouth to make different sounds? These can be animal sounds and letter sounds.

7-Oral blending and segmenting. Can you say the sounds in a word? Can you squash sounds together to make a word?

Cup is c  u  p

m  a  t  is mat

To develop our muscles for writing, we will be doing daily Dough Disco sessions and also getting moving with Squiggle whilst you Wiggle.

As with anything in school, please e-mail or ask us if you have any questions.

All are welcome

We hope you’ve enjoyed your summer and we’re looking forward to welcoming both familiar and new faces on Monday.

In Foundation stage, the adults are very excited to be meeting all the new Reception children and parents. The Reception teachers have recorded a story so that you can watch it with your children to familiarise them with our faces.

Enjoy your last few days off.



Mini beasts.

This week, we have been looking at mini-beasts. We have used natural resources to make pictures, used play dough to make insects (making sure we count the eyes and legs) and written about our caterpillars.


mini-beast hunt

Over the next fortnight, we will be looking at minibeasts. Here is a sheet for a hunt you can do at home.

Bring it in if you complete it-we’d love to see what you found.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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