
In nursery, we focus on pre-writing skills.

We mark make with a variety of things like pencils, chalk, paintbrushes, felt pens.

We use play dough to develop our finger muscles.

We focus on learning how to write the letters in our name and to draw careful pictures of people, animals and things we see.

Tricky words

In reception, we learn to write by learning the letters and writing the sounds we can ‘hear’ in a word e.g. h   a   t

We also learn how to spell and read tricky words. These are words that can’t be sounded out or have sounds we haven’t learnt yet.

The first ones are here-this is a song we sing in letters and sounds.  Phase 2 word song








we then look at these ones. Phase 3 word song












Healthy eating

Reception have been very busy this week doing lots of work on healthy eating. We practised our cutting by making up lunchboxes and we used pastels to create still life pictures of fruit. We finished the week with pineapple eating-a very popular fruit with all of us!

Mental health week.

As part of our discussion on mental health, today we read ‘My big shouting day’ for story time. We talked about feeling cross or sad and then discussed how it’s ok to be sad but that if you do want to make yourself feel better you could

-go for a walk

-play with your favourite toy



-sing a song

-cuddle a pet

The children came up with these ideas on their own.

Well done Reception.

Active Friday!

Reception have had a super afternoon being active.

We have run and walked around the running track to improve our resilience and stamina. We have also been stretching our muscles, balancing and increasing our flexibility  by passing bean bags to each other using 2 hands.

Thank you to those who sent their children in PE kits today.

Apologies to those who didn’t get the message.

Next Friday ( 15th May ) is pyjama day so they won’t need to come in PE kits.

Have a lovely weekend.

From all the Reception team.


He is risen.

Over the past two weeks in school, we have all been discussing and sharing the Bible story of the very first Easter.

Rev Kev came into school to read part of the Easter story to the Reception children. We have put a link to the video below so that you can all share this story of hope at home.


Have a lovely, restful Easter and thank you all for the support you have given us this term.

Fridays work 🐉

Happy Friday, Enjoy half term and a week of no home schooling!

Letters and sounds

Tricky words song


Have a go at making your own tricky words symphony. See the youtube clip below for ideas! Say the word and ask your child to find it. If you have instruments at home you could even use those-or make your own!



Fine motor

Have a go at these Chinese new year pencil control sheets.

chinese new year pencil control sheets



Dance along with this video and make the shapes.




Use the safe search engine kidrex



to look up Chinese dragon dance videos.


Can you copy any of the moves?

Use one of the craft sheets to make a dragon

3d dragon

Spiral dragon

make a chinese drum

Friday-make a dragon

Dragon cutting skills

chinese dragon mask

Dragon colouring

Dragon colour by numbers


Thursday’s work 🥘 🐂

Letters and sounds

Today we are looking at finding real and nonsense words using the ‘ar’ and ‘or’ sounds. Play the ‘picnic on pluto’ game to practise first.


Then have a go at colouring in the real words on the sheet one colour and the nonsense words another colour.

real or nonsense words ar

real or nonsense words or



Watch this video about ordering coins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs8F_g3MGtM

Now have a go yourself. Remember we are ordering the coins by their value from smallest to largest.



Mrs Garraway is very happy at this time of year because it is the Rugby six nations tournament. Have a go at joining in with rugby legend, Danny Care, and enjoy some of the rugby activities.




Today, we would like you to look at Chinese food or the year you were born.

There are some recipes below if you want to have a go at cooking.

Thursday-do some cooking

Or you can watch the story of why the Chinese years have the animal names and then use the wheel to find out when people in your house were born and see what animal their year is.

Mrs Croft is a  dragon 🐉😂

Mrs Garraway is a rabbit 🐇

Miss Hedges is a rooster 🐓


Thursday-when were you born.


Wednesdays work 💡

Letters and sounds

Today we are looking at the or sound.

Go through the or powerpoint for the ‘or’ digraph.

Have a go at joining in Mrs Garraway’s sound game. Remember to beep your horn when you see the ‘or’ sound.


Have a go at playing your own ‘sound surprise’ game and the ‘Guess the gift’ worksheet.

Guess the Gift

Sound Surprise Instructions

Sound Cards

Fine motor

This week we will be writing the letter ‘r’. See if you can watch Squiglet and have a go at writing ‘r’.



Shopping list.

Using this sheet, choose a toy to buy. Count out the pennies that you will need to pay for them.

Can you use any different coins?



When it is Chinese new year, there are lots of lanterns to decorate and make everywhere look special.

The powerpoint below tells you all about lanterns.

Wednesday-lantern powerpoint

Can you make a lantern of your own?

Wednesday-make a lantern

Can you learn and sing the lantern song?

Wednesday song

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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