Home learning challenge for the week 25.1.21

This weeks challenge is all about Jumpers!

The video below will explain more.

Please send any photos/pictures to receptionteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk by Friday 29th January

We will make them into a video to share on the website and Facebook. Have fun!

Reception penguin challenge.

Well done everybody.

You have made some super penguins from your home learning challenge this week.

We will set a new one on Monday evening.

Have a great weekend.

From all the Reception team.


Penguin challenge

With nothing to do and nowhere to go, Mrs Croft got a bit bored this weekend and decided to make a penguin.

Can you use household objects to make a penguin?

She used clothes for the body, tealights and grapes for the eyes, a glasses cleaning cloth for the beak, satsumas for the feet and remote controls for the flippers.

Can you make a penguin using household items?

If you send us the photos, we can make a penguin parade!

Have fun-we can’t wait to see what you come up with.


Penguin week

For your topic work this week, We are going to set some challenges.

You don’t have to do them all but if you do any of them, we would love to see the photos.

Watch the power point and then make your own penguin facts book-Penguin fact file

Label the penguin – label the penguin

Use bricks to build an igloo.

Learn about floating in salty water-Salty experiment

Complete a challenge from this sheet – Home learning challenges

Learn a rhyme-5 little penguins

Do some penguin art

Fingerprint penguin art

How to draw a penguin

Cardboard tube penguins


Merry Christmas

Funny santa claus celebrating christmas Free Vector

Merry Christmas to all of our Reception children and their families.

We have really enjoyed getting to know you all this term and would like to thank you for your support. The children have settled in brilliantly. It is lovely to see them coming in every day smiling, happy and ready to learn.

We hope you all have a restful, happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all again in January.


From all the Reception team

Christmas songs

Christmas has come to Reception!

We have been very busy this week doing lots of Christmas crafts which the children will bring home next Thursday (17th December).

This week, we have really enjoyed singing Christmas songs-Jingle Bells, Rudolph and a couple of new ones which you may not have heard before. We’ve put the lyrics below  for a festive sing-a-long at home.  There are actions for each song that your children should be able to show you.


Christmas Pudding, Christmas pudding

Steaming hot, Steaming hot

Sprinkle on the sugar, sprinkle on the sugar

Eat the lot. Eat the lot.

5 little Christmas trees, standing all alone

Their hears are very sad because they haven’t got a home

Then CHOP went the axe, down came the tree

And off they went with a happy family.

4 little Christmas trees……….

3 little Christmas trees ……….

2 little Christmas trees ……….

1 little Christmas tree ……….

No little Christmas trees standing all alone. Their hearts are very full because they’ve all found homes.

Advent. Week beginning 30th Nov.

This week in Reception, we will start to talk about advent and Christmas.

We will discuss advent in preparation for starting our school advent calendars on Tuesday.

Christmas lessons

We will also be writing to Santa and starting to make Christmas cards.

We will look at numbers and time  on our advent calendar

Maths lessons

The phonics this week will be h, b, f, ff.

Online phonics lessons can be found here.


A huge congratulations to Daniel in RC who has been working really hard on his NUMBOTS work this week. He is very proud of his trophy and medal.

Work for week beginning 23rd November

In reception this week, we will be looking at the letters

ck, e, u, r

The website below has phonics lessons you can do at home

Phonics lessons

In maths, we are continuing to look at numbers to 20.

Maths lessons

We will be looking at space for our topic work.

Space lessons

If you would like to use ay craft bits you have at home to make a space picture, we would love to see it.

You can also squiggle an astronaut and the letter a by watching the following videos to help/

Draw a spaceman         Write the letter a

Remember to e-mail us if you have any questions or any work you want to share with us.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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