Safer Internet Day 2024

Today is Safer Internet Day. Mr Perry, Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Croft will be leading KS1 and KS2 assemblies. The theme for this year is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’

We will be discussing how to navigate the internet and will talk about being SMART online-Please see below for more information on what SMART stands for.

SMART-stay safe online

Small, Smaller, Smallest In Reception.

This week, we have been talking about measuring. We have measured long things, tall things, short things and used words like longest, taller and shortest.

We have sung this song as our going home song to re-enforce our learning.


Cold weather clothes in Reception

This week, we have enjoyed practising our cutting skills. We have dressed bodies for cold weather by cutting out hats, scarves, gloves, trousers and jumpers for them.

Ice cold in Reception

This week, we have taken full advantage of the weather by making and playing with ice. We have examined the shapes made, tried to freeze toys in the ice and explored what happens when you freeze water in different types of containers.

Bubbles in Reception

We have had lots of fun outside with Bubble mixture this week. We have made wands and experimented to see if different shaped holes produced different shaped bubbles.

Reception Christingles

On Monday, we had a lot of fun making Christingles. We learnt what each part of it

represented and practised our counting skills when we put on the sticks then the sweets



Reception Paper Chains

This week, Reception had the Las Posadas box. We decided to make feathered paper chains to represent the dove of peace.

We had feathery sticky fun making them.

Reception singing

This week, we have set up a sparkly stage with microphones and music. The children are loving singing well known songs and playing music to accompany their friends.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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