Reception handwriting

W e are trying to form our circular letters correctly. We have worked on c and a. We are now having a focus on g. We have enjoyed writing it on big sugar paper, whiteboards and sheets. Super writing Reception.

Drop in phonics sessions

A reminder for all parents/carers of Foundation Stage children-Reception and Nursery. We will be holding a phonics drop in session tomorrow (Thursday 16th November) from 8.45-9.15 and 2.30-3.00.
Come and look at our phonics resources and find out how we help your child to begin their reading and writing journey. Entrance to the green room is opposite the main big gates to the staff car park.

Smashing Pumpkins

This week as part of our topic book Pumpkin soup by Helen Cooper we had some pumpkins outside and we all really enjoyed scooping out the pulp and seeds. We are going to dry the seeds and use them to make some pictures.


As part of our superhero work, we talked about all the super powers we have that make us every day superheroes.

Reception map work using The Everywhere Bear

This week, we have been looking at the Julia Donaldson Story ‘The Everywhere Bear’.

We have talked about his journey and discussed how maps can tell us where to go.

As a class, we then made a map of where the bear went and took him on his journey.

Can your child tell you where he went using the video below?

Reception scooters

Reception have really enjoyed using the new scooters this week. We have made sure we have helmets on to be safe.

We have also had fun learning how to  using spanners and allen keys to check that everything is tight.

Reception learning about lanyards

As part of our ‘all about school’ week, we have looked at lanyards that we will see adults wearing when they are working here. We talked about our rainbow lanyards and what they mean. We also looked at the different lanyards that visitors to our school may wear and discussed what each one meant.


To help build our muscles for writing, we have been busy doing dough disco, drawing pictures and using scarves and then pens to make patterns. This week we have been drawing wiggly lines.


Bug club log on

You should have received a Bug Club letter with your child’s log on details on Friday. This will enable you to access reading books at home to help support your child to learn to read. We are initially focussing on wordless books whilst we learn how to blend and recognise all our letter sounds.

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British Dyslexia
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Eco Schools
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Primary Science Quality Mark
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