
As we begin our reading journey, we are really enjoying looking at books and talking about the pictures.


All parents should by now have received a Tapestry e-mail activation link. If you haven’t, please check your spam folders and then speak to your class teacher.

As well as putting photos of your child on there, we will also publish weekly memos to keep you up to day with the phonics, maths, stories and songs we are learning.

As always, please speak to a staff member or email us on

if you need any further advice.


We had a special visitor in Reception today. Louie the rugby coach who usually helps the year 6 children came down to read with us. We shared some fantastic stories.

Information for parents

Your children have all  settled into school really well. As part of the Statutory Assessment Duties,  over the next couple of weeks we will be carrying out the Reception Baseline Assessment with your child. This involves practical activities that help us learn what your child can already do and what their next steps are. There is more information in the leaflet below. Please speak to a teacher if you have any further queries. Thank you.



Using tools

We have been developing our hand muscles by using screwdrivers and drills. Everybody waited patiently for their turn too.

Well done

Good morning

Well done to all the new children. We had a super first morning yesterday. The children will be in school all day today (Thursday 7th September) and collection time is 3.15. Please bear with us for the first few days as we learn all the new parent faces.


Come Dine With Me!

On Wednesday, we paired up with Year 6 for our ‘Come Dine With Me’ event. They made a delicious spaghetti bolognaise and we made chocolatey crispy cakes. We also  made place mats and hats and had a wonderful afternoon dining in the hall.

Online Safety Monthly Newsletter

As a school, we are always looking out for ways to help you navigate your way through the online world and to keep your children safe.

We now subscribe to a monthly newsletter.

July’s edition can be found here.

It contains useful hints to help you keep your child safe and become better informed about the sites and apps that your child may use. Thank you for taking the time to read it.


Today was a bittersweet day. We said goodbye to our butterflies as they have undergone their big change and are ready to explore the world.

The children have really enjoyed watching them grow and we all talked about how letting them be free was the best thing for them. We will all keep an eye out for them when we are having playtimes.

Sports day

The children have really enjoyed practising the races this week.

We have everything crossed that the weather holds out!

Please make sure they have sun cream, a sun hat, and a water bottle in school on Monday.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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