Exotic Zoo

On Tuesday, we all went on our very first school trip. We had a fantastic time and really enjoyed seeing and touching all the animals. The children were incredibly well behaved and did us all proud. It was a very enjoyable but tiring day!

Trip preparation

We have spent this week getting ready for our trip. We have looked at the route on google maps, used the road map, bus and bears to play ‘trips’ and we wrote a list of the things we would need.


We had a lovely day orienteering with the Year 6 children. We partnered up and used maps to direct us to find all the checkpoints which then spelled a word.


As part of our Mental Health week, Reception had an assembly where we talked about our worries. The children were very sensible and very brave and shared concerns such as

“starting a new dance class”

“moving up a group at beavers”

“going to the cinema”

“at night when it’s dark”

We talked about ways we can reduce our worries such as:-

Doing something to take your mind off it-walking, colouring in, playing a game

Hand breathing

Talking about it.

We also shared the book Ruby has a worry by Tom Percival.

Coronation Crazy!

Reception have had a fantastic week learning all about King Charles III and what a coronation ceremony is like. After some discussion, we decided it would be like a very exciting assembly with one person getting the ultimate star of the week award!

We had a super coronation lunch on Friday and spent the afternoon dancing, playing musical soldiers and enjoying some party food.

Coronation bunting

We have been very busy in Reception this afternoon preparing for the coronation. We talked about King Charles the Third. We looked carefully at the Union Jack flag and then made bunting.


After our focus on healthy bodies and vegetables last week, we have now turned our attention to healthy minds. We have been reading the book Bloom which is all about the effects of kind words.

We have also been examining some flowers. We have looked at the stems, the petals, the roots and the leaves. We talked about plants you can eat and plants you can’t eat.

St Georges Garden Centre

This half term, our role play area has become a garden centre with a café. You can browse the flowers, seeds and gardening tools we have available, smell the candles to decide which one you would like and then relax with a hot drink.

The children really enjoy using it and are learning how to work in a shop and how to be a good customer.


This week, we have been looking at the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’.

We have tried different vegetables to see what we liked-spinach was very popular and we all enjoyed the way that beetroot turned our hands pink.

Outside, we made a vegetable patch and talked about which way we should plant each vegetable looking closely at whether they grow under or on top of the soil-we loved the messy fun.


This week, we have started to collect their own dinners. We have used please and thank you to tell the dinner ladies what we would like to eat and we have managed to walk carefully with our trays carrying them to our tables. We’re very proud of ourselves.

Well done Reception.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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