Hot Cross Buns

After a super first whole school church service for our Reception children, we were quite hungry. We had our usual fruit snack but also enjoyed trying some hot cross buns. We talked about the cross on the top of them and sung the song too.

Online safety

This week, for one of our class assemblies, we read the story ‘Chicken Clicking’. We talked about the things the chicken shouldn’t have done-ordering items online, using somebody else’s money and not asking if he could use the laptop. We also discussed the three key pieces of information you should never tell someone-your name, your age and where you live/go to school. The children listened and joined in very respectfully and their discussion afterwards showed that they had gained a lot of knowledge on how to stay safe online.

Fine motor

This week, we have been making our Easter cards. We have been practising our cutting and using our fine motor skills to pull cotton wool apart. We think you’ll love them when we bring them home next week.

Online Safety Information

A huge thank you to the parents that came to our online safety workshop last week.

If you were unable to attend but would still like the information, the slides that we shared are available here.

There is also access to a google drive which has information on games your children may be playing/how to set up devices safety/how to get more information on what they are doing online-you can access this here.

As always, if you have any concerns, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of our Safeguarding team.

Path clearing

On Thursday afternoon, a team of fantastic volunteers demonstrated our school value of responsibility by clearing a path so that the Reception children could get out of school safely. We used spades to scrape away the snow and then salted the path to melt the ice. They followed instructions well and we were all very warm by the time the task had been completed.


This afternoon, we used a Bluetooth speaker to have some music outside. Roy enjoyed playing Ghanaian music for his friends and talking about what he likes to listen to at home. He taught us some lyrics and we sang and danced along.

Change of state

Today, as part of our investigation work, we talked about liquids and solids. We talked about how different they were-that a liquid could be poured and a solid can’t. We then investigated how to change the state of something. We made a mug cake-the batter was very liquid and runny. After it had been in the microwave, it could no longer be poured. We had to try it just to check!

Flipping Friday

This afternoon, we made pancakes. Mrs Garraway and Miss Becker were super chefs. Everybody in Reception had a go at flipping a pancake and we all tried them with lemon and sugar. They were delicious.

The snail and the whale

This week, our focus book has been ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson.

We learnt that a whale is as long as the infant playground so we counted how many steps that was for each of us. We then discovered that a whale had become beached on our playground! We used our strong hand muscles to spray him with water until the tide came back in.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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