Safer Internet Day 2023

Today is Safer Internet Day

All of the children have attended special assemblies this morning. We have discussed our online activities and how we can navigate our own personal safety in our online lives just like we do in our day to day life.

Each class has an Acceptable Use Agreement displayed in their classroom that they have all signed to say that they will use school devices responsibly and that they know who to go to for help.

Acceptable Use Agreement

Penguin on holiday

This week, we have been looking at the book ‘Penguin on Holiday’ by Salina Yoon. We used the VR headsets to pretend to be the crab and go and visit some penguins. We also pretended to be a penguin visiting a beach for the first time. Using the headsets gave the children a memorable experience that they won’t forget.

Story teller

Today we all had a super session with a story teller Peter Chand. He told us a story about how the elephant went from having a ‘shiny little button nose’ to the big grey trunk we now see. The children behaved impeccably and loved the session.

Creative prayer

On Thursday, we talked about prayer. We all said a prayer that had a repeated line ‘God cares about all of us’. We then used lots of different creative techniques to make a prayer display.


New Year

This week, we have been talking about years and months. We have looked at how many months there are in a year and we have sung the song below to learn their names and the order of them.

World cup

We have had lots of fun playing mini games of football.


This week after talking about volcanos during our v work in phonics, Mrs Becker made a volcano outside with some children. It was a great opportunity for them to develop their vocabulary.


National nursery rhyme week.

This week, as part of national nursery rhyme week, we have been singing a variety of songs.

Can you and your child sing any of the songs in the link below?

5 currant buns

As part of our maths this week, we have been singing the nursery rhyme ‘5 currant buns’. We have then been counting how many buns and how many pennies to learn our number bonds to 5. It has been a fun way to learn and it’s been super hearing the children name different members of their family who have ‘bought a currant bun and took it away

Poppy art

Reception really enjoyed making some poppy art for Remembrance Day. We all coloured and cut out a poppy which we then made into a wreath.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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