Social Media Kindness Day

Today is ‘Be kind online day’.

This is an annual event that takes place every November.


On Monday, Mrs Croft, one of our DSL’s and also one of the computing co-ordinators, took assemblies with both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

We talked about kindness being one of our very important school values. We discussed how important it is to treat others with kindness- both in person and online.

We also discussed being an upstander and not standing by when others make hateful remarks both in person and online.

The children listened carefully and responded well to some key messages about online behaviour.

We post regular information in the online section of our website to help you navigate the tricky subject of what your children may be up to online.

As always, feel free to speak to us if you have any concerns.


We had a fantastic time on the field today. Mrs Garraway and her team mate Charlie taught us all some rugby. We played ‘stuck in the mud’ and then had some team races. The children were very enthusiastic and really got stuck in.

Office work

This week, we have been learning about all the people in school that help us. We wrote a letter to the office staff and today, Mrs Tranter came down to talk to us about all the fantastic work the office staff do. We plan to have an office area in our role play so that the children can have a go at answering phones, typing letters and booking appointments.

Bed time stories

Reception have really enjoyed coming to school in their pyjamas today-it hasn’t made them as sleepy as we thought it would. We’ve had lots of lovely chats about reading and books. This afternoon, we all had a great time reading with our buddy classes.

Going exploring

This morning, whilst the rest of school went to church for the Harvest, we took the opportunity to go exploring around the school. We found big chairs in year 6, a dragon on the wall, the thrive hive, numbers on lockers and some letters that are the same as the ones we have been learning in class.


Today, we had a harvest assembly in Mrs Garraway’s room. We talked about all the lovely food we have to eat and how lucky we are to have farmers that provide it for us.

We said a prayer to thank God for all our food and we sang a song about our harvest food.

“Someone’s bought a loaf of bread

Someone’s bought a loaf of bread

Someone’s bought a loaf of bread

to put on the harvest table”


Our first full week.

Good afternoon. It has been a super first full time week in Reception.

We have been learning s a t p and blending in phonics.

Further phonics updates will be on tapestry next week when we have uploaded parent e-mails to the system.

In Maths, we have been showing each other how good we are with our counting.

We are talking about our families, who lives in our house, our special people and how special we are.

We have also been doing dough disco to help strengthen our fingers ready for writing.

A lot of children have said they’d like to show you their dough disco moves so here is a link to it so you can practise together at home.

Dough Disco

This half term overview

Please find below our plan for this half term and how you can help your child at home.

Please see a teacher in the morning/afternoon if you have any queries.

Autumn 1 medium term

All the children are settling in brilliantly. Thank you for all your support at home.

Reception Baseline.

Good morning.

As your children settle into school, we will be working with them to find out what they already know and what we will be learning together

Please see the link below which gives you details of the play based assessment work we do in the first few weeks with your child.

Reception baseline information 2022

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school
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