What’s in the egg?

On Monday, whilst playing outside with the dinosaurs, Millie found an egg! We weren’t sure what was inside it but we knew it was too big to be left over from the chickens. We decided that the shell was too hard to hatch on its own. To soften it up, we put it into water where it bubbled and then sunk! We will keep a close eye on it and see what happens.

Outside story

Friday was the hottest day of the year so far. It got so warm that we decided to go and find some shade outside for story. Mrs Garraway read “part of the party” to us and we all celebrated our differences.

Hoo Zoo

On Thursday, we had our long awaited Hoo Zoo trip. The children had a lot of fun-even going on the coach was an exciting event! We saw lots of dinosaurs, many different animals and dug for fossils. The children’s behaviour was fantastic and we were all very proud of them.


We have worked very hard this year learning all our numbers to 10 and beyond. We now know how to make numbers by combining or taking away amounts, how to put numbers in the right order and how teen numbers are made up. For the last few weeks, we will be focussing on problem solving using all of our number skills.

Phonics summer term

We are incredibly proud of how well the children have done this year with their phonics. For the final few weeks, we will be having a focus on writing words and sentences that contain phase 2 and phase 3 sounds. Thank you for all your support this year.

Sparkles and Jewels

We have started our Jubilee preparations. We have been using sequins and tissue paper to design and make bejewelled dresses for the queen.

To 10 and beyond

This week, we have started to explore bigger numbers. We have looked at how they are made up and what is a ten and what is a unit when we are talking about two digit numbers.

Goodbye to our friends

We have had a bittersweet moment in Reception today as we said goodbye to our chicks. We have loved watching them hatch and grow and have learnt a lot about how to care for young animals. However we have talked about how it is now time for them to go to a better home where they will have space to roam and learn to fly.

Disco disco disco!

Last night was the very first disco for Reception. We had a fantastic time dancing and the foam was a huge hit. It was a great event and we can’t wait for the next one.


This week, we have been enjoying caring for the chicks. We have to make sure they have food and water and that their brooder box is regularly cleaned. Here they are having a nap!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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