23 Acts of Kindness! ❤

As part of our whole school project in celebration of the King’s Coronation, the children have decorated biscuits for someone special as part of the ’23 Acts of Kindness’. ??


Gardening! ??????

Some of the children in Year 4 have been helping Mrs Humphries to improve the ‘Quiet Area’ on the junior playground. They have been planting seeds and making bird feeders. They are looking forward to painting rocks next week! ??

Printing! ???

In Art this week, we have been making impressed prints using polymer blocks. ?

Coding Club! ?

A huge well done to the children in Year 4 from Coding Club. They have been working really hard to produce amazing animations using the software 2Animate on Purple Mash ?

Mental Health Week!??

As part of Mental Health Week, we thought about our support network and who we could talk to if we feel down, upset or anxious. The children created some lovely pieces of work! Well done Year 4 ???

Sacred places – RE ⛪

Today, we visited our local Christian church to experience a sacred place. We looked at different features of the church and what they represent. Then, we used our sketching skills to draw some of them.


Thank you! 😊

As a thank you to Firefighter Bradbury for his assembly earlier in the week, we wrote ‘thank you’ letters and designed posters for his fire station. 👍

Recycling! ⭐🏆♻

A huge well done to Harry from 4W who has been awarded a green Blue Peter badge for helping with recycling and carrying out litter picking in the local community.

A fantastic display of our school values of respect and responsibility 😊❤

Artist Study ???

As part of our Art lessons this half term, we have looked at paintings produced by famous artist, Xavier Cortado. We created thumbnails of one of his paintings by using a viewfinder tool to look in more detail at different sections. Then, the children used watercolour to add colour to their drawings practising their colour mixing techniques.

Cake Friday! 🍰🎂

A huge thank you to Vanessa from 4W for baking the most delicious brownies for all of the staff in school. They tasted amazing and we can’t wait for the next bake! 🎂❤

A lovely act of kindness! Well done, Vanessa! 😊⭐


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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