Children’s Mental Health Week 💕

To celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week, the children have made posters to show appreciation to all of the incredible doctors, nurses and key workers at the Princess Royal Hospital for all of their hard work.

Here are some of our amazing pieces of work:

Mosaics! ??

Today, we created our mosaic tiles as part of our Art work this half term! We looked back at our designs from the previous lesson thinking carefully about the use of colours. First, we drew our designs on the tiles to help us. Then, we carefully arranged the tiles making sure that we included a pattern and motif.  We are really happy with our finished mats!


Arthog outreach trip Group 2! 🛶 💛

Another huge well done to the Year 4 children who participated in the Arthog outreach trip on Tuesday. You all were fantastic! A day full of smiles, laughter and having lots of fun! 😀


Storytelling Week! 📚

As part of our Storytelling Week, we studied a poem about the water cycle. We thought carefully about our speaking and listening skills and how to make our performance entertaining for an audience. We worked hard to remember all of the words and added lots of actions and expression in our voices. At the end of the week, Set 2 and 3 performed their poem to Year 1 whilst Set 1 buddied up with Nursery. We all had a fantastic time! 😃📚

Coding! ?

This half term in our Computing lessons, we have been learning all about coding. The children in Year 4 have worked incredibly hard using software on Purple Mash to input tricky coding. We have planned algorithms and used 2Code to program them! We have even created IF statements using prompts and timers. Well done Year 4!

Have a look at some of our fantastic coding! ??

Christmas Stockings! ??⭐

A huge well done to all of Year 4 for their amazing Design and Technology work making their very own Christmas stockings! They all showed excellent perseverance practising their sewing skills. They are all very proud of their work!

Santa Dash! 🎅❤

A big well done to all children in Year 4 who dressed up for the ‘Santa Dash’ – you all look amazing! 😃

Joyeux Noël! ??⭐

The children in 4W loved their French lesson yesterday with Mrs Underwood. They worked so hard and presented their work beautifully in their books.









Très bien! ??

Christingles ?

In today’s RE lesson, we made our own Christingles. We know that they are used in some Christian churches during the time of Advent. Prayers for people in need are said and songs are sung. During the service, the candles on the Christingles are lit and all the lights are turned off. Christians think about the hope that the light of Jesus brings to the world.

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Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
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