6, 7, 8!

This week we have been looking at the children’s knowledge of numbers up to 5 and beyond. We have been blown away by how well the children are subitising, counting and combining amounts to make numbers. We have also been using the dominoes to add amounts together and match numbers.

There is an app created by White Rose Maths called ‘1 minute maths’. This is ideal to practise quick recall of number facts with your child. We would love to see any pictures of the children taking part in these activities on their tapestry profile!


We will be continuing our work on numbers up to 10 next week!

Dress to express and feeling good!

The children looked fantastic in their own clothes today! It was great to see them dressed in what makes them happy and seeing all their smiley faces!

As part of Children’s mental health week, we took part in some Mood Boosters’ activities and listening to a bedtime story reading of ‘The Colour Monster’. Have a look at the links below and see if you can join in at home!


Mood boosters

The BBC have come up with some amazing activities called ‘Mood Boosters’. These are small video led activities that the children can take part in at home that focus in on different areas of wellbeing and work to support children’s mental health and well-being. Get the whole family involved! We would love to see any photos you take of your family getting involved either on our Facebook page, or sent to our emotional health and well-being email address:  EHWB@stgeorgesschool.org.uk


We hope you enjoy taking part! Remember, we are always here if you need support or a listening ear.

Children’s mental health week 2023

This week in school is Children’s mental health week. This year’s theme is Let’s Connect and  is about making meaningful connections. People thrive in communities, and this connection is vital for our wellbeing. Having healthy connections – to family, friends and others – can support our mental health and sense of wellbeing. As part of this week, the children will be reaching out and connecting to members of the local community. On Friday, we will be having a ‘Dress to express’ day where everyone can come to school dressed in clothes that make them happy and express their personality.




This week we will be consolidating the sounds that we have already learnt, whilst introducing double letters and longer words.

We will be encouraging the children to ‘chunk it up’ when sound talking words and when blending for reading. For example:

Instead of sound talking ‘sunset’ we ask the children to sound talk ‘sun’ and then ‘set’ and join them up together.

It would be brilliant if you could continue to practise recognising the phase three digraphs and trigraphs that we have learnt to ensure your child can recall these rapidly.

Phonics week beginning 30th January

The children have been working incredibly hard whilst learning some tricky digraphs and trigraphs! We have been really impressed with their writing and being able to spot the digraphs/trigraphs in words that they have been reading. When you are reading the phonics book at home with your child, see if they can spot these before they read the word.

Here are some videos to support your child’s phonic knowledge.

Lesson 25 – Review the week – YouTube

Lesson 26 – air fair – YouTube

Lesson 27 – er hammer – YouTube

Lesson 28 – Read words with double letters – YouTube

Lesson 29 – Read words with double letters – YouTube

Lesson 30 – Review the week – YouTube

Wellbeing ambassadors

The wellbeing ambassadors are a team of year 5 and 6 children who work to support other children, promote wellness and help to share their opinions on what school can do to be a happy and safe place for everyone! The children all applied for the role and were very excited to have been selected. The wellbeing ambassadors meet regularly with Mrs Garraway and Miss Mogg. The children have set up two lunchtime clubs- one for Reception and Key Stage one, and another for Key stage two. These clubs focus on wellbeing and the children plan lots of fun activities for those attending to take part in such as drawing, crafts, singing and games. I am excited to introduce to you our Wellbeing Ambassadors for this year!

Lunar New Year

This week, the children have been taking part in lots of activities surrounding Lunar New Year. Today we had a chance to see how stir fry is made and try some ourselves. We were really impressed by all of the children’s attitude to trying new things! One restaurant customer gave the stir fry a 13 out of 10 and commented, ” I am going to eat this everyday. It is delicious!”

5 little frogs

This week we have been consolidating our knowledge of numbers up to 5. We have been comparing numbers, combining numbers and working out how many are missing. The children have been using the number song ‘Five little Frogs’ to do this and we have had lots of fun!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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