It’s good to be me!

As part of our topic on ‘It’s good to be me’ the children have been learning and exploring in our environment. Take a lot at some of the activities that your child may have taken part in. In reception, we learn and have fun together.


Phonics week beginning 20th September

This week we will be learning the sounds i , n, m and d. We will be sending home a sheet for you to practise last weeks sounds with your child. Please find the videos to the sounds we will be learning- it would be great if you could watch these to support your child’s learning.



Little Wandle Phonics- Week beginning 12th September

Next week we will be starting our phonics lessons with the children. Each week we will send out the links to the lessons that go with the sounds we will be learning. It would be great if you could watch these with your children at home to support them in their phonics learning!

Next week we will be learning the following sounds:

s    a    t   p


The future of teaching!

We have noticed recently that the children have really enjoyed playing teachers so we have made two school areas outside! With the weather being so hot we have had to move some of it into the shade. The children have loved taking it in turns to be the teacher. I think some of the children could do a good job of giving the teachers a break!


Thank you!

As we come to the end of the year, we just wanted to say a massive thank you for your support with your child’s reading and phonics learning this year. The children have all come a long way since September and your help has been invaluable. Check out the Little Wandle YouTube channel if you want to fit in any more phonics practise over the summer- there are lots of home learning videos for you to have a look at!


The sun has got his hat on!

Today was a scorcher!! We have been so proud of how all the children have managed and how much they know about staying safe in the sun and the heat. The children have used vocabulary such as hydration and have been telling us all the ways that we can keep cool! They even had a special ice lolly treat in the afternoon! Well done everyone, looks like we are in for another hot one tomorrow!

Bee u mental health support

Thank you everyone for attending our introduction to the Bee U support team and our trainee mental health practitioner, Tom. If you feel like you or your child need support with their mental health and well-being, please do not hesitate to get in contact. This can be through your child’s class teacher, or by getting in touch with Mrs Garraway, Mrs Jervis or Mrs Evans. Whilst Tom’s support may not be suitable for everyone, we have a range of interventions at St. George’s to support and promote positive mental health and well-being.

Healthy me!

Next week we will be continuing our topic of health and well-being! We have begun to introduce the children to what a healthy diet looks like as well as trying some new fruits at snack time- so far mango has gone down a treat!

Check out the NHS healthier families website and see if the children can choose something new to help them keep healthy and well! It would be great to see pictures on tapestry!


Maths week beginning 4th July

This week in maths we have been learning all about sharing! The children have learnt how to share equally and check carefully to find the answers. We have also explored what happens when a number doesn’t share equally and have introduced odd and even numbers.

Share this video with your child and see if they can remember odd and even numbers!

Going on safari!

In the build up to our trip to Hoo Zoo, we have been taking part in lots of learning around safari animals! The children have enjoyed playing in the safari themed tuff spot, with the safari animals as well as making their own maps of Hoo Zoo. We can’t wait for Thursday!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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