Children in need day 2021

It was lovely to see the children in their own mufti and even some little Pudsey bears! We have taken part in Pudsey PE where the children played ‘Pudsey ears and Pudsey feet’. We followed Dr Ranj and practised some mindfulness. Watch the video below, and see if you can practise being mindful at home!

If you have a go at any of these activities, please can you take some pictures or a video and upload it to Tapestry. We love to see what the children are doing at home!


Next week in phonics we will be learning the following sounds:

h   b  f  ff

See if your child can spot the sounds in their reading books.

We will be sending your child home with a tricky words bookmark. This is to help them practise recognising the words that they can’t just sound out. It would be brilliant if you could practise these at home.


This week in phonics we will be learning the following sounds:

ck   e   u   r

The children have been introduced to a new word this week. We have explained that the ‘ck’ sound is a digraph. A digraph are two letters that go together to make one sound.



Next we are focusing on the following numbers:

1   2   and 3.

We will be taking part in activities surrounding counting, ordering, recognising and comparing these numbers. See if you can spot these numerals and amounts in your child’s day to day life.

Here is a number song that we have been joining in with in school.


Next week, we will be looking at the following sounds:

g    o    c    k

Have a look at the videos below with your child and practise some of the sounds.



We hope that you have enjoyed reading with your child over the half term holiday and practising blending the sounds that they have learnt. It has also been brilliant to see that lots of you are using the bug club online books to support your child’s reading! Please make sure that when you have finished reading the book that they bring home, you record this in their reading diary so that we can change their book when we look at them on a Tuesday and a Friday. The children will continue to have the opportunity to change their choosing books! Keep up the great work!


This week in maths the children have been taking part in lots of activities.

Pattern: The children have used numbers, colours and objects to create repeating patterns following an ‘A B A B’ sequence. We have challenged some to follow a ‘A B C A B C’ sequence as well. See if your child can create their own repeating patterns at home!

Number: The children have been working on accurately counting amounts up to 10. They have been working hard to ensure they are counting each object carefully. We have also asked them to try and recognise a given numeral and match an amount. when at home, it would be useful if you could reinforce counting objects/actions as well as recognising any numbers that they see.

Capacity: The children have enjoyed some water play this week. We have been using vocabulary relating to capacity and describing how much liquid is in a container e.g. full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty. See if your child can use this vocabulary in their everyday language.

As always, if your child is doing some amazing learning at home, please send examples of their learning to the reception team email address!


We have been really impressed with how well the children have got on with their first week of phase two letters and sounds. They have been using magnetic letters to recognise sounds. and make vc and cvc words.

After half term, we will be continuing our letters and sounds. The sounds we will be learning are:

i  n  m  d

It would be brilliant if you could have a look at these sounds with your children. If you have any ‘wow’ moments it would be brilliant if you could send these to our recpetion team email address.

Please find below a link to a phase two tricky words song. These are the words that children need to be able to recognise as they cannot be sounded out.


Mental Health First Aiders

Mental health and wellbeing has always been a priority at St George’s school. Last year, we achieved the Wellbeing award for school due to everyone’s hard work in this area. Recently, we have undertaken training for members of staff to become mental health first aiders. This covered a range of topics such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, self harm amongst many others. Miss Mogg and Mrs Garraway are now fully trained mental health first aiders who can listen, give advice and support as well as signpost children with mental health needs to appropriate services.

If your children have any concerns in this area or you are worried about their mental health, please get in touch with the school and the mental health first aid team will contact you.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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