Reception prayer

We all came together to talk about what a prayer is. We talked about what we do in assemblies and decided to write a prayer for reception.

Dear God,

Thank you for all my friends.

Thank you for all the people that look after our school.

Help us to be kind to everyone.

Help us to ask for help when we need it.

Help us to share and learn and have fun.

Let us be happy and kind in reception.


Jack and the beanstalk home learning task

This week we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk and taking part in activities surrounding the story. It would be lovely if the children could have a go at some home learning if they would like to. Please find below some ideas of the activities they could do. It would be lovely if you could take photos and send them to the reception email address so we can share their learning with the other children.

jack and the beanstalk

Jack and the beanstalk Counting | Teaching Resources


Please find below a link about early calculation strategies that we will be using with the children in school. It talks about the reasons why and how we teach what we teach in reception.


The children have been working hard on being able to hear sounds in words and practising their skills of segmenting and blending.

Next week, we will be starting phase two letters and sounds. We will be teaching the children the following sounds:

s   a  t  p

How to pronounce phonemes:

It would be lovely if you could spend some time looking for these sounds in the books they read and around the environment they are in.

Please find below a link to help with your understanding of early reading and writing.

Living in historical times

We have been so proud of all the children in reception. They have all adjusted to our new temporary home brilliantly and we have been busy with lots of learning. In phonics, we have been verbally segmenting and blending and working hard to hear the sounds in words. In our reading activities, we have been busy being detectives looking for clues that tell us more about what is happening. In maths we have been sorting and grouping objects as well as matching pairs.

For our topic work this week we have been talking about the history of St George’s school. We invited Mr Richards, who came to the school when he was a child, to tell us about what has changed. We also heard stories from Mrs Birch and Mrs Bradley from when the current school was an infants school and the juniors school was down the road! Mrs Garraway told the children all about how the demountable classroom came down to make way for the year 5/6 block and the adventure playground.

To mark the historical event that has been ‘the flood’ the children made rainy day pictures. They signed their work like true artists and we had a reception art gallery.

PE on Friday

Starting Friday 17th September, the children will need to come into school dressed in their PE kit on Fridays. We will not be getting changed at school.

They will need to wear, a green/white plain or school logo t-shirt, black shorts, leggings or joggers, and suitable trainers/pumps that they can take on and off independently.

They can wear their school jumper, cardigan or fleece on top.

Earrings must be removed at home as for health and safety reasons, children cannot join in with PE lessons whilst wearing any form of jewellery.

Hair should ideally be tied back for PE.

We are looking forward to our active Friday’s with the children and we hope they are excited too!

Home learning activities

Please find attached the work we have set for home learning whilst reception are isolating. We have attached revision booklets for phase 2 phonics (Mrs Croft’s letters and sounds group), phase 3 phonics (Mrs Garraway’s letters and sounds group) and phase 4 phonics (Miss Hedge’s letters and sounds group). Feel free to have a go at any of these. You will also find a maths activity booklet as well as topic activities based around our story for the week, ‘Doris the Loris’. Please find the powerpoint containing the ‘Doris the Loris’ story in reception news on the website.

Any questions please email the reception team. Stay safe and we will see you all soon!

phase 2 phonics pack

phase 3 phonics pack

phase 4 phonics pack

story sequencing doris the loris

reading challenge

Rainforest Leaf Template

rainforest leaf story craft instructions

maths pack

doris the loris home learning challenges

Chick art 🐣 🐥

The children in RG have been making some chick art today. We looked at some ideas and the children thought about how they might create them using the materials that we had out. I am very impressed with the individual approaches and their final pieces. See if you can spot yours and show you grown ups!

Chick watch- day 3! 🐣 🐥

Mrs Garraway had a huge surprise this morning when she came in to find not one, but eight of our eggs have hatched! The children (and the staff!) are absolutely in love with our new chick friends and we have learnt all about the ‘brooder box’ that the chicks will now live in. We are proud to introduce to you, Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth, Lionel, Dixie, Chick Norris, Marshmallow, Robby and Rainbow.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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