Living eggs! 🥚 🐣 🐥

After Easter, the children in reception will be joined by some very special visitors! On Monday 19th April we will be getting some eggs to hatch into chicks and we will be looking after them until Friday 30th April! We are all very excited!

Round up of our week!

Well done to all the reception children for a fantastic week in school! We have done lots of learning and been very busy!

Miss Hedges’s letters and sounds group have been looking at sh, ch, th and ng. Next week, they will go on to look at ai, ee, oa and oo.

Mrs Garraway’s letters and sounds group have been revisiting i, n, m, d, g, o, c and k, Next week, they will be looking at ck, e, u, r, h and b.

Mrs Croft’s letters and sounds group have been revisiting s, a, t and p. Next week, they will be looking at i, n, m and d.

During our maths we have been making sure we can find one more and one less as well as making repeating patterns. Next week, we will be moving onto addition.

In our topic work, we have been doing lots of activities based around ‘The snail and the whale’ by Julia Donaldson. We were really impressed by the effort the children went to to be superheroes for comic relief!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Easter Cross Competition


the children should have come home this week with a sheet for our Easter cross competition! If they have not or you need another sheet I will post the link below.

We look forward to seeing the children’s work and how creative they can be! Entries need to be handed in to the class teacher by Monday 29th March! we will then select one winner from each year group.

Good luck! Easter cross competition


Letters and sounds

Today’s sound is ‘oi’

Have a go at the worksheets below.

Coins in The Soil Adult Instructions Coins in The Soil Cut Outs Toss a Coin Game

Fine motor

Join in with Squiglet for our lets get squiggling. This week we will be doing ‘Elephant’.



Today we are learning about the number 16. Watch the powerpoint and have a go at the worksheets.

All About Number 16 PowerPoint All About the Number 16 Activity Sheet t-m-32108-eyfs-maths-all-about-the-number-16-home-learning-challenges_ver_7


Today is St David’s day-1st March.

Watch the powerpoint to learn who he was.

Can you find Wales on a map?

Have you ever been there?

Look up the Welsh for hello and goodbye. Can you say them?

The daffodil is the National Flower for Wales.

Can you learn this daffodil rhyme? Can you colour/make a daffodil?

All about St Davids day Colour a daffodil Daffodil finger rhyme Daffodil finger rhyme Egg Box Daffodil Craft Instructions PowerPoint Egg Box Daffodil Craft Instructions


Letters and sounds

Have a go at our sound sorting activity! See if you can match the pictures to the sound that they have. We have already learnt about or, ur, ow and next week we will be looking at oi. This is a good chance to practise before we learn something new and revise what we already know.

Or ur ow and oi Sorting Cards

Fine motor

Use the owl pencil control sheet to see if you can follow the patterns carefully.



Today we are learning about the number 15! Go through the powerpoint and then have a go at the worksheets below.

All About Number 15 PowerPoint I Spy Number 15 Number 15


This afternoon is all about eggs!

You can either use one for some Friday baking

Or you can design a dragon egg.

Design an egg Friday baking


Apologies! We have had some technical difficulties posting Wednesday’s work! Here it is!

Letters and sounds

Today we are looking at the ‘ow’ sound.

Have a go at the ‘clowning around with ow’ worksheet and play the ‘Clown segmenting game’.

clown segmenting game idea Clowning Around With ow

Fine motor

Have a go at creating your own woodland scene. Carefully use scissors to cut out the animals and put them on your woodland scene.



Our focus number today is the number 13. Go through this PowerPoint and have a go at the activity sheet.

All About Number 13 PowerPoint

Challenge: Can you do 13 star jumps in 30 seconds? Remember to count accurately. Get a grown up to help you.

I Spy Number 13 Number 13


Today its your turn to be a doctor. Choose 2 teddies/toys. Think about what could be wrong with them-broken arm, fallen off a bike, feeling poorly and how you can make them better. Use your doctors bag from yesterday if you want to.

You could also make some notes for them to show how well you’ve looked after them here.

patient notes


Letters and sounds

Use the rhyming strips sheets to find words that rhyme and group them together. Can you read a rhyming story with your grown up?



Join in with our Cosmic kids yoga. Today we are doing ‘Cracker the dragon of wonder’.



Today we are learning about the number 14. Have a go at the activity sheet.

All About Number 14 PowerPoint I Spy Number 14 Number 14


What do you want to be when you grow up?

This is a very long video and you may not want to watch it all, but I chose it because it shows men and women doing lots of different jobs.

What would you like to be when you grow up?

Can you dress up as that job and take a photo?

There are some ‘mashcams’ on purple mash where you can put your face into a future job.

You could also draw a picture of what you think you will look like when you do that job

Future job sheet


Letters and sounds

Have a go at reading the words and matching the pictures to the word.

Then, try our reading comprehension sheet. Read the caption and tick the correct picture.


Fine motor

Today we will be writing the letter ‘i’. Join in with squiglet and practise writing i.


Now have a go at our letter formation worksheet.

i sheet


Today we are learning all about the number 12. Go through the powerpoint all about the number 12.

All About Number 12 PowerPoint

Have a go at writing the number 12  then try completing the worksheets below.

I Spy Number 12 Number 12


Today we are going to talk about doctors. What do they do? How do they help people?

On simple city, you could visit the doctors surgery and do some of the activities on there.

Use the sheet to make a doctors bag and treat the animals.

Doctor role play sheet


We hope that you all enjoyed the week off! This week we will be learning the sounds ‘ur’ and ‘ow’. In maths, we will be looking at two digit numbers. Our topic work will be based around the Julia Donaldson story, Zog. We hope you have a great week learning!

Letters and sounds

Today’s sound is ‘ur’

Have a go at the worksheet below, ‘My purse’. Then try to play the game ‘Fill my purse’.

FIll Sam’s Purse Game          My Purse Activity Sheet

Fine motor

Join in with Squiglet for our lets get squiggling. This week we will be doing ‘Hippo’.


Introduce 2 digit numbers – Number 11.

Watch this video about counting on the farm.

Our focus number today is the number 11. Go through this PowerPoint all about the number 11.

All About Number 11 PowerPoint

Have a go at this worksheet.

I Spy Number 11 Number 11

See if you can find 11 things in your house.


This week, all our work is based on the book Zog.

You can read the book here

Or watch the story here

Cut out one of the dragons. Can you fly him around? Can he do all the things Zog learned at dragon school?

Dragon colouring Dragon cutting Dragon pencil control


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