Home Learning (11.1.21) – Numeracy (💷)

In today’s lesson we will look at pounds and pence.


Have a go at these activities that involve: counting money, working out possible combinations to make amounts and matching pictures with numbers.

Pounds & Pence – Questions

Pounds & Pence – Answers

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Home Learning (8.1.21) – Numeracy (➗)

Let’s finish off the week with some basic calculations revision.

WALT: Solve division sums using the bus stop method

WILF: Biggest number inside the bus stop, smaller number outside the bus stop, answer on top.

Parents, use this Bus stop division: Teaching resource to help with explaining the method to your child.

You can find the attached worksheet with three levels of difficulty (note the stars in the bottom left) for this lesson below (with an answers page to help check your child’s understanding).

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Home Learning (7.1.21) – Numeracy (✖️)

Let’s start the morning off with some basic calculations revision.

WALT: Solve multiplication sums using the column method

WILF: Place value headings (HTO -Hundreds, Tens & Ones), Biggest number on top, Start in the most right column, multiply bottom number by top

Note: at 2:10 the carried digit is moved to the top of the answer. This is the American standard. We move the carried digit underneath sum to help keep things organised and clearer.

Parents, you can find the attached worksheet with three levels of difficulty (note the stars in the bottom left) for this lesson below (with an answers page to help check your child’s understanding).

Column Multiplication – Activity

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Home Learning (6.1.21) – Foundation


Some revision of our Tudor topic for you, everyone really enjoyed the work that we did in school last term about the Tudor’s, see how much you can remember by clicking on the link below:


When you have finished have a go at creating  a piece of work that shows everything that you have remembered it could be a picture, a mind map, a leaflet or even an information text.

Home Learning (6.1.21) – Literacy


Have a go at practising your reading comprehension skills today, this is something that we focus regularly on in class and during our guided reading sessions.

The link below will take you to a BBC lesson which talks you through understanding texts followed by some activities, you can talk about the answers with your grown up or write them down.


If you want to challenge yourself further, then have a go at this reading activity all about David Walliams.

Read this David Walliams Reading Comprehension carefully.

When you are ready have a go at these questions.

Remember…read the information carefully!

Home Learning (6.1.21) – Numeracy (➖)

Let’s start the morning off with some basic calculations revision.

WALT: Solve subtraction sums using the column method

WILF: Place value headings (HTO -Hundreds, Tens & Ones), Biggest number on top, Start in the most right column, borrow from the left if needed.

Parents, you can find the attached worksheet with three levels of difficulty (note the stars in the bottom left) for this lesson below (with an answers page to help check your child’s understanding).

Column Subtraction – Activity

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Home Learning (5.1.21) – Numeracy (➕)

Let’s start the morning off with some basic calculations revision.

WALT: Solve addition sums using the column method

WILF: Place value headings (HTO -Hundreds, Tens & Ones), Biggest number on top, Start in the most right column, carry to the left if needed.

*Note at 3:30 the video states that digits that need to be carried should be placed at the top of the sum. This is the American standard. We carry digits underneath the sum to help keep things easier to read.

Parents, you can find the attached worksheet for this lesson below (with an answers page to help check your child’s understanding).

There is also a link to another extension activity with some more difficult sums with numbers missing. These sums should be approached in the exact same way. Remember, start from the most right column and work to left.

Activity: Column Addition (Higher Ability)

Activity: Column Addition (Lower Ability)

Extension Activity: Column Addition (Missing Numbers)

Please feel free to post any pictures of your children with their work on the school Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgesPrimaryTelford

Good Luck! 🙂

Information for Year 3 parents/children

Hello everyone,

We just wanted to take this opportunity to firstly say we hope you had a relaxing Christmas break. Regretfully, we are unable to be back in school with you all but we want to help reassure you that we are preparing an assortment of fun and exciting lessons/activities for you to complete whilst you’re at home.

Miss Owen, Mrs Hough and Mrs Edwards are the members of staff in school this week with the Year Three bubble working with key worker & vulnerable children.

Mr Hylton & Miss Weston will be calling the children once a week to see how things are progressing as well as to well as to check on how everyone is getting on with the work.

Parents, please feel free to direct any questions/concerns you have to the Year Three email at year3team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.

Take care 🙂

Year Three

Autumn Term 1 – Recap

Children in Year three have been looking at a variety of spelling rules this half-term including suffixes (-ed/-ing)

Feel free to recap these spellings with your children over the half-term break.

In other news, Mr Hylton’s Literacy Set have challenged Miss Weston’s Literacy Set to a battle on Spelling Shed ending next Thursday. If you need help logging your child onto spelling shed, feel free to come and speak with your child’s teacher.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
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