STAR! ⭐?‍♂️?‍♂️

The children have been lucky enough to have Andy and Wayne, who are police officers, visit and educate them about: different types of drugs; avoidance techniques; how to manage difficult situations; peer pressure and laws. They also experienced what it is like to be drunk by wearing ‘beer goggles’! As well as having lots of fun and learning, the children’s behaviour was exceptional and they demonstrated our school values wonderfully throughout the day. Well done! ?

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Dogs Trust Workshop ??‍???

Today, the children took part in a Dogs trust workshop where they were educated about appropriate behaviour around both familiar and unfamiliar dogs. An element of the session was about how to safely interact with dogs and also what to do if they were approached by an unknown dog. Their behaviour was excellent; they had lots of brilliant questions and even participated in some role play! ????

A huge thank you to Alison who delivered the workshop – she was very impressed with the children’s behaviour and knowledge. Well done! ?

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Creative Prayer Afternoon 🙏✝

On Thursday afternoon, the children wrote creative prayers. First they wrote some beautiful prayers of intercession with the Year 6 teachers. This involved thinking about the needs of others in the St. George’s community, nationally and globally. Afterwards, the children worked with the Year 3 teachers to create graffitti prayers. All of the children had a wonderful afternoon; produced some lovely, thoughtful work and thoroughly enjoyed visiting Year 3 and the teachers.

Well done Year 6! 😁



Year 6 Santa Dash! 🎅🎅🎅

Well done to all of the Year 6 children who have dressed up in red, hats or anything Christmas or Santa themed today … you all look brilliant! 😍👍

KS2 Design a Watch Winners! ?⌚️?

A huge well done to all of the children who entered the design a watch competition – we were over the moon with the hundreds of entries we received! ????

  1. It was a difficult decision to choose our 10 KS2 Winners but here they are with their fantastic winning designs and prizes…

Mr Porteous and Mrs Morris ?




Homework 🏡📚😊

Homework is really valuable in helping the children consolidate what they have been learning at school, developing their independence skills and deepening their understanding of key concepts.

Here in Year 6, we support children with their homework in several ways:

  • Children are encouraged to attempt their homework over the weekend, if your child requires any support with the work that has been set, they can come to see any member of staff in the Year 6 team on a Monday or a Tuesday.
  • Reading club runs on a Wednesday lunchtime with Mrs Branford.
  • Times table club runs on a Thursday lunchtime with Mrs Morris.

As always, if you have any questions about this, please come to see one of us!

Mrs Burnett, Mrs Morris and Mrs Branford 😊

Edmund Hillary – Biography and Mountains 🏔

During the week, we have been researching and learning about Edmund Hillary as part of our English topic ‘biographies’ and Geography topic ‘Mountains’. The children are now full of so many fabulous facts about Hillary’s achievements and life. I am sure they would love to share some of this fascinating information with you!

We have also been learning about different types of mountains and how they are formed. Here are some examples of their wonderful explanations and diagrams.


Welcome to Year 6! 🤩

What an amazing start to the year many of the children and the staff had at Arthog! 🌳🌊🌳 Pictures are to follow soon … watch this space! 😁

We have been very impressed with how all of the children have settled into Year 6 and are looking forward to a jam-packed and fun-filled year with them. This week, it has been lovely to get to know the children who did not attend Arthog better too. 😊

Please see the ‘Information’ area of Year 6 and if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in contact via this email address –


Many thanks,

Year 6 Team 😊


Curriculum Overview for the Year


Please click on the link below to view the long term Year 6 planning. It explains the topics that will be covered and when they will be taught.

Year 6 Yearly Overview

If you have any questions, please contact us on the following email address:

Many thanks,

Year 6 Team 😊

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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