Sports Day in Year Three

The children in year three and four have had a fantastic sports day. It was lovely to see the great sportsmanship displayed by all the children. They definitely enjoyed the ice lolly at the end.

Well done to the red team for winning and all the other children for taking part.

Here are some photos from the morning.


Homework in Year 3

Homework is vital for children to know more and remember more. ⭐

In Year 3, homework is given to every child on a Friday and we expect it to be returned the following Wednesday at the latest. We will alternate homework between Numeracy and Literacy.  As well as this, we ask that children read 5 times a week to someone at home alongside their reading in school.

All children also have a username and password for TimesTable Rockstars and Spelling Shed. These are fantastic resources for children to use at home to support their learning.

Thank you for your continued support with this.

Year Three Poems to Perform

In Literacy, we are looking at poems.  Today, we have been learning to perform poetry. Firstly, we watched some video clips of our year three author, Michael Rosen performing poems.

After that, we read a range of poems and performed them in small groups.


All the children did a fantastic job and it was a pleasure to watch.


Well done.

Visit from an Artist

This term, the children are looking at Chinese Art. Today, we have had a visit from a Chinese Artist.

The children enjoyed learning about different styles of Chinese art and had a go at Chinese dancing.

The children have had a fantastic morning with Grace. Here are some photos.


In year three, the children are learning to play the recorder.

So far, we have learned to play A, B and G.


Land use in our local area

In Geography, we are looking at land uses.

This afternoon, the children in year three went to investigate how the land is used in St Georges. When we got back to school, they drew some sketches of what they saw.



All the children were very well behaved and sensible when crossing the road. Well done 🙂

Super Sketch Maps

Today, the children have been using their field work skills to sketch a map of the school grounds. Here are some examples of the children’s work.


Touch Typing

This week, the children have been doing Computing. This term, the topic is ‘Touch Typing’. The children have developed some great typing skills.

They are able to access 2Type on Purple Mash at home if they wish.


Today, the children have made their Christingles to take home.

A fantastic week in year three

The children have been working really hard in school this week. Well done!

They have started dance with Miss Gemma on a Thursday, they are really enjoying this.

In Maths, the children have been learning to use the column method for subtraction. This has involved learning to borrow.

In RE, the children have started a new topic called ‘Is life like a journey?’ The children thought about their life so far and then thought about dreams and aspirations for the future. We created an aspiration tree.

Today, the children have drawn a portrait of themselves and painted it using watercolour.


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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