Numeracy Home Learning 1. 2 .21

Good morning year three. We hope you had a fantastic weekend. 🙂

Over the next two weeks, the children will be looking at measure. Today, the focus is on measuring length. 

Here is the video link to support you with the worksheet.

You could also use the National Academy


Lesson 1 – Measure Length   Lesson 1 – Measure Length


Friday 15th January

We hope you have been successful with spellings this week, good luck if you have a test planned today 🙂

The spellings for this week are:

Mrs Weston’s Set       

  1. redo
  2. review
  3. reaction
  4. supermarket
  5. sadly
  6. comically
  7. occasionally
  8. eventually
  9. fruit
  10. grammar

Mr Hylton’s Set

  1. redo
  2. review
  3. reaction
  4. supermarket
  5. sadly
  6. comically
  7. occasionally
  8. eventually

Miss Owen’s Set

  1. baker
  2. hiker
  3. dancer
  4. carer
  5. nicer
  6. closer
  7. later
  8. cuter


Art Draw with Rob

In year three we love Friday afternoons because it is Art.

Today, have a go at Draw with Rob.

Don’t worry if  you don’t get chance to finish it today, you can always complete it another day and send us a picture via the school email address.

Have a lovely, safe weekend and well done for all your hard work this week.

Lewis Carroll

On this day in 1898, Lewis Carroll, the English writer and mathematician, died. He was 65 years old. He was the writer of books including Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Think about…

  • Do you like to read?
  • Do you like to be read to by someone else?
  • What are your favourite books?
  • What sort of books do you prefer?
  • Where do you like to read?

Talk about…

Lewis Carol wrote Alice in Wonderland in 1865. It is about a girl named Alice who follows a talking rabbit and falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world where she has many adventures. Maybe the whole thing had been a dream?

Ask these questions to the person sitting next to you:

  • Have you ever had a daydream?
  • What animal would you like to daydream about?
  • If you followed a talking animal in your daydream, where would you like it to lead you?

Try it out…

Here is a poem said by The Mad Hatter in the story of Alice in Wonderland:

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
How I wonder what you’re at
Up above the world you fly,
Like a tea tray in the sky.

Can you fill in the missing words to make your own poem about a flying creature?

Twinkle, twinkle, little ….
How I wonder……………….
Up above the world you fly,
Like a …………….. in the sky.


Dealing with worries and coping. 

We know this is a difficult time for everybody. It is important to discuss feelings of worry and anxiety.

Worries and Coping

Literacy 14th January

Good Morning

Grammar Warm Up:

Underline the adverbs in these sentences.

1)He ran up quickly and sat down.

2)She will be here soon.

3)She quietly read her book.

4)It will rain later.

5)They painted carefully.

Today is our reading lesson, the focus is on Inference.

Have a look at the PowerPoint and the website below which explains a little more about it.

Inference PowerPoint

Here are some worksheets to complete. Please select the most appropriate for you, you do not need to do both. 🙂

Inference Worksheet 1

Inference worksheet

Happy reading day.

Bikaner Camel Festival

In January there is a camel festival in India.

Think about…

  • Where do camels live?
  • Do they like hot or cold places?
  • What do camels have on their backs?

Talk about…

How many animals can you think of that live in deserts?

Try it out…

Imagine you are taking a trip across a desert, what would you pack to take with you?

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