Literacy 11th January

Good morning year three, we hope you all had a lovely weekend. Well done to all the children who have been working hard at home. It has been lovely to see some your work coming through on the emails and on the Facebook page. Please continue to do this and any questions/ concerns don’t hesitate to get in touch via our email address.

Today, we would like you to look at conjunctions. You can use the following link to learn about conjunctions and complete some of the activities.

Here are some additional resources you may wish to use.

Co-ordinating conjunctions


Conjunctions 2


It is important to keep reading as much as possible. Here is a short reading activity for you to have a go at: Amazing Facts About the Human Body


Geography 11th January

Our Geography topic this half term is learning about the UK. This week, we will be posting a range of activities for you to complete.

To start off with, we would like you to locate the countries in the UK.

Label the countries in the UK

You can use this website to help you: 

Next, we would like you to access

In this lesson, you will recap your knowledge of the seven continents, and locate the UK on a world map. You will then zoom into Scotland and look at the different human and physical geographical features. You can then compare these to the area where you live.


Number Bonds and Times Tables

It is really important children keep practising their number bonds and times tables whilst learning at home.

Here is a great game that children play in school. It has lots of different options so you can select the most appropriate for your child.

Letters and Sounds Home Learning

Good afternoon,

There are some children in year three who do Letters and Sounds in school. This is a really useful resource to support your child at home.



Quiz Winners

Today we had a Numeracy Christmas Quiz.

Here is a photo of the happy winners.


Our Tudor Display

We would like to thank all of year three for their contributions to the Tudor display.

It looks amazing. Well done.

Tudor Homework

We are really impressed with the fantastic pieces of homework we have received so far. Here is a sample of some of the children’s work.



Our Beautiful Christmas Tree

The children in year three have all made a star to create our Christmas tree this year.

We thought you would like to see it.

Super Spellers!

Well done to these children for their amazing spelling scores this week. I am very impressed, keep up the great work.

Well done to Kiyan who is very happy to get full marks this week.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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