Tudor House Project

In History, we are looking at the Tudors. Today, we are sending the children home with a ‘How to make a Tudor House’ leaflet.

We would love to make a display in school, so please bring it in if you make one at home.

This is optional but there will be some prizes for the children.



This afternoon, year three have made some rockets.  Here are some children showing you their work. It has been great fun.

Amazing firework shape poems

In Literacy, the children have created some firework shape poems.

Here are a few pictures of their work.


Well done year three.


New Science Topic

Today, we have started our new science topic. It is Light and Shadows.

Here is a link: https://www.sciencekids.co.nz/light.html It has some great resources which the children can look at with an adult at home.

It would be great to see children coming in with things they have learnt at home.


Well done to set three

Miss Owen would like to say well done to the children in set three for trying really hard with their spelling this half term. Keep up the good work.

Here is a link to the phase 2-5 tricky words which we have been looking at this half term in letters and sounds. It would be great for the children to continue to practise these.



Half Term Reading Challenge

We challenge you to read everyday of the half term holiday. For each day, write a few sentences to summarise your daily read. This could include: what you have read, what you liked about the book, favourite characters etc. You could also take some photos of yourself reading in different/ strange places.

Happy reading.

Have a lovely half term 🙂

A lovely last day

Well done to all the children in year three for a lovely last day in school. Thank you for bringing in money for Mufti and for the raffle.

Here is a photo of some very happy winners


We hope you have a happy, safe and relaxing half term.

Mary Anning

We have been looking at Rocks in Science. This afternoon, we looked at Mary Anning the famous fossil hunter.

The children did some great portraits of her.




Amazing Stories

We would like to say a big well done to all the children in year three for their brilliant stories they have written today. We are really impressed with how hard they are working. Keep up the good work.

Mr Hylton, Mrs Weston and Miss Owen.

French Poems

Miss Owen’s class had a great afternoon with Madame Sohier yesterday. They wrote some lovely poems and then performed it as a class. It was lovely to watch a video of it after school.

These are a few pictures of the beautiful work they produced. Well done everyone.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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