
In Science, we are looking at Rocks and Soils. Below are some useful resources and links to look at home.

Read: These are children’s books that detail the story of Mary Anning – ‘The Fossil Girl’ by Catherine Brighton and ‘Mary Anning and The Sea Dragon’ by Jeannine Atkins.

Go Online:

The Natural History Musuem has permanent exhibits on dinosaurs, fossils, rocks and minerals. There is lots to look at on the website:

Listen: Join Finley as he travels around the world and back in time to explore everything from fossils to volcanoes, and even how rocks helped form our planet!

Go Online: Lots of resources (worksheets, presentations and activities) that can be downloaded and used at home –


Spellings 18.9.20

This week the children will be given these year 2 common exception words to practise:

  1. because
  2. door
  3. floor
  4. children
  5. everybody
  6. hour
  7. could
  8. would
  9. busy
  10. people

All spelling books need to be in school every Friday for the test.

Thank you

Year three



Roald Dahl

This week we have been looking at the novelist Roald Dahl. The children have really enjoyed finding out about him and they have written some great fact files.

On Monday, we did some art work based on ‘The Witches’. This is a photo of our display.





Welcome to Year Three

We have had a lovely first week back. The children have settled in really well and are working really hard.

This is our first display of the children’s self portraits.

For your information:

Homework books are being sent out this Friday and it is due back in by Wednesday.

Spelling books will be sent out next Friday (18th).


Thank you

Mr Hylton, Mrs Weston and Miss Owen



Prayers from Year 3

This week we have written some prayers for our school community.

Here are some examples below.



Friday 15th May

Good morning.

Here are some activities for you today.

Literacy – Reading 

Improving Your Reading Skills with Predicting Pip


The Fox and the Wolf Prediction


Missing number problems


Today is International Day of Families.

Held on 15th May every year, the International Day of Families was established by the United Nations in 1993 as a way to raise awareness of issues faced by families throughout the world.

Activities you could do:

  • Draw a portrait of your family.
  • Write a description about your family.
  • Think of all the things you love doing with your family.
  • Best memories.
  • Have a special dinner to celebrate being a family.

Have a good day and a lovely weekend.


Wednesday 13th May

Good morning 🙂

Here are some activities for you today.

Literacy – Writing 

Letter to a friend


Subtracting numbers mentally


Have some fun with these Science Investigations.


Intriguing Ice

Watch this short video looking at what happens to different liquids when they are frozen. After watching, choose some everyday liquids and freeze them, then observe what happens to them

Intriguing Ice


Have a lovely day. 🙂

National Numeracy Day Virtual Festival

The National Numeracy team together with partners & National Numeracy Day Heroes are hosting a day of online events to help with numeracy while the nation is at home:

  • Helping children with maths
  • Improving your own self-confidence with numbers
  • Getting to grips with finances.
  • Visit and follow updates via social media.


Happy Numeracy Day


Tuesday 12th May

Good morning year three 🙂

Here are some activities for you today.


Adding Mentally Word Problems


A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word, but its spelling or meaning is different. 

This document has a range of worksheets to practise.



Today, it is Florence Nightingale’s Birthday. Here are some things you could do:

Have a lovely day 🙂


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Eco Schools
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