Coronation Celebrations

The children in year three have had a great day celebrating the Coronation.

They enjoyed learning about the new King.

We hope they continue to enjoy the celebrations over the weekend.

Vincent Van Gogh Art

This week, the children have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh. They have made their very own version of ‘Starry Night’. This was one of Vincent Van Gogh’s most famous paintings.

Here are some of the children with their work.


Monet Art Work

This week, the children have been learning about Monet. They have used finger painting to create a garden and today they used oil pastels to recreate his work on The Houses of Parliament.

Here is some of their work.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


This week, we have been looking at poetry. The children have read a poem written by Roger McGough called The Sound Collector. They looked at different features of poetry e.g. rhyme and onomatopoeia.

Today, the children have written their own version of The Sound Collector.

Here are some examples.


In Science, we have started our new topic of Forces and Magnets. Today, we looked at what a force is. The children used their investigation skills to find out what a force is using sponges, rubber bands and playdough.

After that, they used a Newton meter to find out the force. They learned that, the greater the force the more the Newton meter will stretch.

Visit from an Artist

Today, the children in year three had some art workshops delivered by a Chinese artist. The children learned about Chinese writing and had a go at writing some letters. After that, they tried blowing paint to make a pattern and adding some colour using cotton buds. They really enjoyed learning about another culture and they produced some great work.

Here are some photos of them at work.

School Games Event

A group of children in year three have attended a school games event at Telford Tennis Centre. They had so much fun and worked well as at team. Here are some photos of them in action.


World Book Day

We have had an amazing day in year three. It has been so lovely to see the children dressed up as characters from books, thank you so much for your support with this.

Thank you to all the children who brought in a book to read. It has been great to see so many children reading books.

Here are a few pictures:



This morning, we had a special assembly about looking after our teeth.

After that, they made some great posters.

Our Local Area

In Geography, we are learning about how land is used.

Firstly, we made a sketch map of the school grounds.

Last week, we went on a field trip around St Georges. We looked at how the land is used in our local area.

It was a lovely sunny day and the children had fun exploring.


Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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