Clay Heads

In Art, our topic has been ‘Heads’. The children have used different skills to make their own head and the final lesson was mixing colours to paint their head.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Our amazing eyes

In Science this week, we have been learning about how we see things. We labelled the different parts of the eye and then discussed the importance of looking after them.

The children created some lovely posters.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Well done to all the children in year three who are reading lots at home.

It is an expectation for all KS2 children to read five times a week at home. Children who read five times a week get a treat on a Friday. Children are allowed to write in their diary once per day and we are encouraging the children to take more responsibility for their reading. If your child writes in their diary, please could you sign it to confirm they have read.

Thank you for your support.

Christmas Wishes

Today, the children have been making Christmas wishes. They have thought of wishes for:

Their family

Their friends in school

Their community


The world

The children have thought of some lovely ideas which showed how much they cared for everyone around them.

In year three, we are very excited for the last few weeks in school celebrating Christmas.

Christmas Lyrics

In school, we have started to practise the songs for our Christmas performance.

Today, the children will be coming home with lyrics so they can practise at home.

Tudor Food

We have started looking at the Tudors in History. This afternoon, we looked at what life was like during the Tudor period. They discovered that food was very different between poor people and rich people. The children created some great plates to show the differences.

Year 3 Disco

The children had a lovely time at the disco. Thank you very much for coming 🙂

These are some of the children enjoying their drink and snack in their disco clothes.

How has London changed?

Today, the children have learnt all about London. They studied different landmarks and looked at the changes it has made in the past 500 years. The children were really interested in different events which have happened and were able to identify how it has changed.

These are a few pictures of the children’s work.

Digital Camera

COP27 Week

What and when is COP27?

COP27 stands for the 27th Conference of the Parties. COP27 will take place in Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt. It will take place from 7-17th November 2022. It’s an important summit that will be attended by representatives of all the countries that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

At the summit, the leaders of these countries will meet with climate change scientists, activists, campaigners, and other experts to discuss the measures that should be taken in the battle against the climate crisis.

Why is COP27 important?

COP27 is an important event because the latest science shows that climate change is moving a lot faster than we are.

This year, the main focus of COP27 must be implementation.

This is an activity you could do at home.

Reduce Carbon Footprint Activity

Caring for the environment


An explosive first day back

Welcome back!

We hope you had a lovely half term break. It was lovely to see the children come back to school so happily this morning.

Today, it has been all about bonfire night. We have created some great shape poems using some exciting vocabulary.. This afternoon, we have made some safety posters.

The children have produced some great work and understand the importance of keeping safe.

These are some of their posters.

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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