Recycle Week 2022

This afternoon, the children have learnt all about recycle week. The children may be looking out for the recycling logo at home.

These are some of the logos they have recreated.


In Geography, we have been looking at the mountains in the UK.  The children are working really hard to develop their geography skills.  These are some of the children hard at work!

Let’s Get Real – Recycle Week

Recycle week is an annual event to promote and celebrate the importance of reducing our waste.

Managing the waste we produce through our everyday lives is important because we need to reduce, reuse and recycle resources.

This special week has been held since 2004 and its mission has been to encourage us to recycle more.

Together – We recycle 

Now is a great time to think about how our rubbish affects the world.

We can work together and step it up to help the climate crisis.

Geography Challenge

In Geography, we are learning about the UK. Today, we have located different counties, we then used google maps to look at Shropshire and we identified some key features.

It would be great if you could find out more about other counties in the UK. You can present your work anyway you like. E.G. poster, leaflet, Power Point.

Please bring in any work which you have done. 🙂



In Literacy, we are looking at stories from familiar settings. This week, we have read The Wrekin Giant.

We discussed the two characters in the story and the main events.

These are some of the amazing character Slinkys the children have made.


Rangoli Patterns

In RE we have been learning about Diwali. Today, we looked at how it is celebrated and then we made some Rangoli patterns. Here are a few to look at.

Dive into Reading

This is our new reading display which the children have created this week.

We are really pleased to see so many children reading at home. Keep it up 🙂

Remember, children get a treat for reading 5 times a week at home.

Thank you for your help and support with this.

Energy Saving Week

Energy Saving Week is a national campaign with the aim to help and encourage people to save energy while cutting down on fuel costs at the same time.

The event was created in partnership with Citizens Advice, the Energy Saving Trust and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Many other organisations and charities often support the campaign, too.

Lots of advice and guidance is provided to help people save energy and money, including:

  • What financial support and discounts there are available
  • Why they might want to consider changing energy suppliers
  • Ways to invest in more effective insulation

Here is a video with more information about saving energy at home:

This is an activity you can do at home.

5 ways we can save energy

Or you can do your own research and create your own poster.

Climate Action

Climate Action- Schools vs Climate Change

Young people and their families complete “green” activities to reduce their carbon footprint, whilst scoring goals for their school to compete to be the greenest school in the UK. Pupils can also choose to represent their favourite football club at the same time. The Planet Super League platform makes sustainability accessible and fun for everyone, educating them on their journey towards a more carbon-efficient lifestyle. Our last competition took place in the lead up to COP26 and culminated in Cambridge United fans being the greenest in the country by saving over 30 tons of CO2e.

The competition is run using the Planet Super League website, where there are over 100 activities to choose from that either directly reduce your carbon footprint or educate about the world we are working to save. The competition launched on Monday 10th January for 6 weeks and is completely free to access.


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