World Wildlife Day

Today is World Wildlife Day


Think about…

  • What does the word ‘wild’ mean?
  • What wild animals and plants might you find in your playground or garden?
  • Do you know the names of any wild animals or plants that live or grow in other countries?

Talk about…

With a family member, make a list of 10 wild plants or animals that grow or live in the UK.

Try it out…

A habitat is a place where plants and animals live. Can you match these animals to their habitats?


  • Camel
  • Owl
  • Fish
  • Worm


  • Underground
  • A tree
  • The desert
  • In a river or pond

Try it out …

Write a definition for each of these words and phrases. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary.

  • Habitat
  • Sustain
  • Environment
  • Food chains
  • Mammals
  • Vertebrates

Home Learning 3.3.21

Numeracy – Place Value 

Watch this video:

HTOHTO (Activity) HTO (Answers)

Literacy – Write Instructions 

Watch this lesson on The National Academy

In this lesson, you will recap the features of instructions and write the instructions for making a pizza for a monster using sequencing words, adverbs, adjectives and imperative verbs.

Enjoy writing your instructions, don’t forget about an introduction and a conclusion.

Reading Activity: Lord Ganesh

Foundation – PSHE – Being Healthy 

Healthy Me 1 – Body Outline Resource Healthy Me 1 – Teaching Slides

Healthy Me 1 – My Fitness Challenge Chart Ext



Dr. Seuss’ birthday

The famous author Dr. Seuss was born on this date in 1904.

Dr Seuss

Think about…

  • Do you know any stories by Dr. Seuss?
  • Do you prefer stories that rhyme or stories that do not rhyme? Why?

Talk about…

With a family member, make a list of all the words that you can think of that rhyme with ‘hat’.

Try it out…

The Grinch, The Cat in the Hat and The Lorax are just some of the famous characters created by Dr. Seuss.

Make up a character that would fit into Dr. Seuss’ world. Draw a picture of your character and give them an interesting name, for example, The Bear in the Chair.


Author Study


What do you know about your favourite author? How many authors can you name?

This is a nice activity for you to find out more about an author.

World Book Day Author Study


Enjoy 🙂

Class Assembly 2.3.21

Good morning year three,

If you are attending the class assembly this afternoon we would like you to bring your favourite book. 🙂

We look forward to seeing you later.


🙂 Year three team

Home Learning 2.3.21

Numeracy – Place Value Numbers to 1000

Watch this video clip and then complete the activity.

Numbers to 1000 (Activity) Numbers to 1000 (Answers) Numbers to 1000

Literacy- Devise ingredients to make a Monster Pizza

Watch this lesson on the National Academy.

In this lesson, you will look at the ingredients of pizza and generate ideas for what types of ingredients a monster would use to make their pizza.

Next, design your own Monster Pizza.

Reading Activity: Hasims First Hajj

Foundation – Symbols and Meanings

#Lesson Presentation Symbols and Meanings

Activity Sheet Matching Hindu Symbols and Their Meanings

Hindu Symbolism Activity Sheet


St David’s Day

Today is St David’s Day. The Patron Saint of Wales’ symbols include daffodils and leeks.


Think about…

  • Why are daffodils a good symbol at this time of year?
  • What fire-breathing animal would you see on the Welsh flag?
  • The harp is a musical instrument that is very popular in Wales. It is used to accompany folk-singing and dancing. What does a harp look like?

Talk about…

Discuss this question with a family member:

  • How do you think Welsh people would celebrate St David’s Day?

Try it out…

Make a St David’s Day card.

Reading Challenge

Here is a reading log for you to record how many minutes you read for this week. 🙂

Reading Challenge

Happy reading 🙂


Home Learning 1.3.21

Hope you have all had a great weekend. 🙂

These are the resources for today.

Numeracy- Place Value

Hundreds (Activity) Hundreds (Answers) Hundreds

Literacy- Features of instructional writing

Watch this video to learn about adverbs.

 Lesson 1 – Adverbs    Adverbs

Now have a look at writing an introduction and conclusion.

Lesson 2 – Introduction and Conclusion (Instructions)

Reading Activity: Dazzling Diwali


#Lesson Presentation Holy Books Hindu Holy Books



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