Home Star of the Week

Happy Friday 🙂

It has been another fantastic week of home learning, well done to all of you. We know some of you are finding it hard being at home and completing your work but you are doing a great job, keep it up. 🙂

We have decided that Chloe Henderson is the Home Star of the Week.

Congratulations Chloe 🙂


Have a lovely weekend, take care and keep smiling 🙂

Week 6 Timetable

Good afternoon,

Here is the timetable for next week.

Timetable for the week



National Academy Lesson:


Independent Task     Lesson      Understanding intervals



Haiku Planning Sheet Haiku Rules Poster Haiku Teaching PowerPoint


Activity Sheet Hinduism in the World Today Map Activity Sheet Map of Hinduism circa 900 BC Lesson Presentation Who and Where Labelled Map of the World Poster A4



National Academy Lesson: https://teachers.thenational.academy/lessons/weighing-and-comparing-masses-in-mixed-units-c8tpcd

Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zgx4ydm

Compare Mass – Horizontal Format Independent Task Summer Block 4 Compare Mass

Literacy: Acrostic Poem

Write a winter acrostic poem


Make an internet safety poster

Internet Safety Poster



National Academy Lesson: https://teachers.thenational.academy/lessons/measuring-volume-cmwked

Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z9cfxbk

Measure capacity


Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjs8wty

Commas Powerpoint Commas Worksheet Commas Worksheet Fix my Sentence 


#Lesson Presentation Main Beliefs Activity Sheet Comparing Hindu Deities Activity Sheet Hindu Deities Activity Sheet Hinduism Main Beliefs Knowledge Testing Cards



National Academy Lesson: https://teachers.thenational.academy/lessons/measuring-and-comparing-capacities-in-mixed-units-65gk2d

Horizontal Format – Compare Capacities PowerPoint – Compare Capacities

Answers – Compare Capacities 

Literacy:  Valentine’s Day Writing

Valentine’s Day Writing Activity


Art Valentines Day      Kandinsky-valentines-day-painting-activity


Numeracy: Arithmetic Paper


Literacy: Handwriting


Foundation: Chinese New Year

Here are some activities you could do to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year Water Bottle Dragon




Reading Resources.

Clumsy Cupid Lebkuchen Gingerbread Hearts Valentines Day Traditions around the World Who Was Saint Valentine

Spellings 5.2.21

Friday 5th February

We hope you have been successful with spellings this week, good luck if you have a test planned today 🙂

The spellings for this week are:

Mrs Weston’s Set       

  1. reappear
  2. rewrite
  3. rethink
  4. superhuman
  5. finally
  6. correctly
  7. continually
  8. skilfully
  9. important
  10. Island

Mr Hylton’s Set

  1. reappear
  2. rewrite
  3. rethink
  4. superhuman
  5. finally
  6. correctly
  7. continually
  8. skilfully

Miss Owen’s Set

  1. nicest
  2. closest
  3. latest
  4. cutest
  5. saddest
  6. fattest
  7. biggest
  8. wettest

Mental Health Week- Take Notice

We hope you have enjoyed the different activities set for Mental Health Week.

Today, is all about taking notice. 

Take time during your day to be more aware of your surroundings and notice the present moment.
Whether it’s pausing for a break or talking to a friend, be aware of the world around you and reflect on what you’re feeling.
It can help you appreciate what’s going on around you.

For example:
• getting a plant for your home
• taking notice of sights and
sounds outdoors
• switching off technology, such
as your mobile phone
• taking notice of how your friends
or family are feeling or acting

Think about….
What do you currently do to take notice?
Can you set yourself a goal to take notice?

Here is another activity you could do called: The View Through the Window

Take Notice- outside my window

Rosa Parks’ Birthday

Rosa Parks was an American civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger, born in Tuskegee, Alabama 1913

Think about…

  • What sort of person was Rosa Parks?
  • What would it feel like if you were not allowed to sit down on a bus?
  • What would you do?

Talk about…

Discuss this question with somebody:

  • What was wrong with the law that Rosa Parks broke?

Try it out…

  • Rosa Parks wanted a fairer set of rules for everyone.
  • Think about your classroom rules – talk with somebody about why they are important.

Mental Health Week- Learn something

Today we challenge you to learn something new 🙂

Here are a few ideas:

  • Learn a new language
  • Learn to cook or bake something
  • Learn a card trick
  • Learn about a new country
  • Learn about a famous person
  • Learn to draw or make something

Whatever you learn to do, enjoy 🙂

Brain Warmer

If you are looking for something extra or different to have a go at today, here is a little brain warmer activity.

3rd February

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