Queen Elizabeth II takes the throne.

Just something different for you to look at today if you wish 🙂

Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in February 1952. Queen Elizabeth II is the current queen of England.

Think about…

  • How many members of the royal family can you name?
  • What is the name of the palace that the Queen lives in for most of the year?
  • What city is this palace in?

Talk about…

One of the jobs of a Monarch is to strengthen friendships with other nations by visiting their countries.

If you were the Monarch, which country would you like to visit most – and why?

Discuss this question with a member of your family.

Try it out…

Make a crown out of gold or silver card and decorate it with shiny paper.

Make a royal family tree showing the Queen and Prince Phillip; their children Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward; their grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Home Learning 3.2.21

Good morning,

Here are the resources again for today.


Lesson 3 – Subtract Lengths

Lesson 3 – Subtract Lengths

Lesson 3 – Subtract Lengths (A)


Homophones – Look, Cover, Write, Check

Homophones Wordsearch


Homophones Matching Pairs

Extension Activity: Practise Year 3 and 4 Spellings. Can you spot the mistakes?

Correct the mistake – Spelling


We would like you to create a display of emotions. You could draw and colour lots of different emotions or you could choose one. This is an opportunity to talk about emotions and discuss when you feel these.

Enjoy getting creative.




Reading at Home

This is a useful document to help with your child’s reading and comprehension whilst at home.

7 top tips to support reading at home

Remember, it is National Story Telling Week so it would be great to read as much as possible. 🙂

Mental Health Week – Stay Connected

Today, the focus is on staying connected with family and friends.

Here are a list of activities you could do today:

  • Eat lunch/tea altogether without any distractions.
  • Write a letter or draw/paint a picture to send to one of your friends who you haven’t seen in a while.
  • Talk about feelings https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/media/2065/feelings-activities.pdf
  • Spend time playing with siblings/children in school. Play games
  • Ask your family about their childhood
  • Smile at people and say hello

Have a great day and remember we are missing you too!

Children’s Mental Health Week Virtual Assembly


To launch Children’s Mental Health Week 2021, watch a Virtual Assembly from BAFTA, Place2Be and Oak National Academy on the theme: Express Yourself. Hosted by Blue Peter’s Lindsey Russell and CBBC presenter Rhys Stephenson with pupils from Featherstone Primary School in Birmingham. 



Today is the final lesson of the ‘Light’ topic in Science.


To summarise everything you have learnt, you could make an information poster.

This could include:

  • Key words (E.G. refraction, reflection, transparent, opaque, translucent)
  • Sources of light
  • How do we see light?
  • Where do different colours come from?
  • Uses of light.
  • Interesting facts about light

We look forward to seeing some of your work.



Mental Health Week – Be Active

Today, the focus is being active. Exercise is a great way to boost our mental health and keep us fit and healthy.

Have a look at some of the following activities:

Mile Monday: We would like everyone to try and do a mile in whatever way that they can, be it walking, running or cycling.

Change for life activities




National Story Telling Week

This week it is National Story Telling Week.

National Storytelling Week is celebrated for a full week in February and takes place in all sorts of places, including schools, hospitals and care homes. Stories are chosen and are told in a magical way between the teller and the listener. It’s a fantastic way for people to share their own story, or even invent something entirely new.

Here are some great discussion cards: National Story Telling Week discussion cards

You could also celebrate National Story Telling Week by:

  • Reading lots of stories
  • Make yourself a story telling chair or den
  • Writing your own story

Remember to send in any work you have done to the year three email address.


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