Handwriting Paper

Handwriting paper

We know some of you are working hard towards earning your pen licence. This paper may help you to understand how your letters should be sized compared to each other. Regular, lower case letters (such as a,e,v,m,n,o) should fit within the two blue lines, whereas descenders (g,q,y,) should touch the bottom red line and ascenders (l,t,h) should touch the top red line.

Spelling Crossword 2

Crossword – Tricky endings

This crossword uses some of the words from the Year 5/6 spelling list which have tricky endings.

The answers are on the second sheet again… Good luck, this one’s tricky!

Spelling Crossword

Spelling list crossword

This is a crossword using some of the words from the Year 5/6 spelling list which have an initial sound followed by a double consonant.

The answers are on the second sheet 🙂

Correct the spelling mistake

Correct the spelling mistakes – Website

Here are three spelling activities. You need to correct the circled spelling mistake. All of these words are from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list.

The answers are also attached so that your parents can mark your answers.

Good luck!

Optional learning for home

Good afternoon everyone,

Over the course of this afternoon, I will be uploading some activities which you can work on at home if you’re looking to do some extra learning. I will upload them to the ‘Homework’ area, however we by no means expect everybody to complete these activities, they are simply there as an option as we know some of you will enjoy challenging yourself at home 🙂

Mrs T-P

PE Days

Good afternoon Year 5 parents, just a quick note to say that our PE days will be Monday and Friday. Ideally, your child will have PE kit in school all week, in case we need to dodge the rain by swapping days around. However, we will always aim for Monday and Friday.

Initially, all PE will be outdoors, so please make sure their kit contains warm clothes and suitable trainers.

Many Thanks,

Mrs Tidman-Poole


In the Year 3 pod, we’re super excited to be growing our own sunflowers! They’re all progressing at different rates, some have grown steadily over the weekend whilst others have grown quickly overnight. We water them several times a day and make sure they get plenty of sunlight. We’ll post a photo in a few weeks to show you how much they’ve grown 🙂

RE Art in Year 3 Pod

In our Year 3 pod, we have been creating some art based on our world and how we can appreciate it in all it’s beauty. The children produced these beautiful pieces of art to display in our pod classroom.

Activity ideas 8.5.20

Multiplication problems – Let’s put this times table knowledge to the test!

il – Can you spot the 9 words they’re looking for in the wordsearch?

VE Day – Along with your family, wear any red, white or blue clothes you have, paint your face or even dye your hair (probably a bad idea), and send a photo into school so that we can all celebrate together.

Activity ideas 7.5.20

We’ve not set a numeracy or grammar task today, this is because we’d like you to spend some time creating your own Union Jack flag / decorations to display in your house for VE Day tomorrow.

Any photo’s can be e-mailed into the admin e-mail address at school by this afternoon and we’ll put together a video to show off your work.


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