Activity ideas 6.5.20

Estimating answers – Using your mental skills, round each amount of money to the nearest pound and estimate the answer. Remember: £1.50 would round up to £2, whereas £1.49 would round down to £1.


VE Day – Write a VE day prayer or learn a wartime song. If you’d like to record these and send these to us via the year 3 email address we’d love to see some!


Activity ideas 5.5.20

Subtracting numbers– Try these subtraction questions.

34_Words_for_describing – Can you spot the words which describe each noun?

VE Day activity – We hope you gathered lots of facts yesterday, today we’d love it if you could use them to create an information poster. Don’t forget to make it eye catching!

Activity ideas 4.5.20

Adding numbers – Try adding these numbers.

19_Time_sentences – Complete these sentences using the time bank on the bottom of the sheet.

As you may know, Friday 8th May is VE day. Each day this week, we will set you a small challenge or activity relating to VE day. Today, it would be great if you could research VE day and collect as many facts as possible. This could be by using a laptop, tablet, mobile phone or even talking to relatives.

Emoji Hunt

Today in school, the children took part in an emoji hunt around the school grounds. Mrs Holt did a great job of hiding the clues and the children enjoyed finding them. Well done everyone!

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