Spellings and Homework – 8/7/22

The final spellings for the year for both Set 1 and 2 are:

desert, dessert, flaw, floor, steal, steel, bored, board, draft, draught.

All children in the year group have received art homework this week to complete a Celtic knot sketch. This is due in on Wednesday 13th July. This will also be the last homework of the year.

Thank you for your continued support with learning at home throughout this year.

5TP End of Year Home Activities

Hi 5TP,

It’s such a shame that our year together has ended a few days early and we didn’t get chance to say goodbye properly. Please be sure to come and visit me in our old room once we’re all back in September! Here are a few activities to keep you busy if you’d like to do them, there should be enough to last you until Wednesday 🙂 I’ll still be on the year 5 e-mails if you need anything. Have a great summer! Mrs T-P xx


Year 5 Summer Themed Maths Booklet – Questions



Y5 and Y6 Statuatory Spelling List Activity Booklet


Moving To Year 6 English Transition Booklet 


Their, There, They’re

I came across this picture today and thought it may help those of you who sometimes forget which ‘their, there, they’re’ homophone to use in your writing 🙂

Their has a person because we use it when talking about people.

There has an arrow because we use it when talking about a place.

They’re has a tiny a where we use an apostrophe to show contraction from ‘they are’.

Friday’s learning 26.2.21

Good morning Year 5. Well done for reaching another Friday!

Maths: We’ve finished our recap on 2D shapes, we will be looking at angles within shapes next week! So for today we’re going to have a number challenge Friday! This means number bonds and times tables challenges, like the ones we do in school 🙂 number bonds challenge ultimate times table challenge and if you’re still up for working on this, have a play on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button – we know you enjoy this 🙂

Literacy: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-develop-a-rich-understanding-of-words-associated-with-being-confident-cgt3ar This Oak Academy lesson looks at synonyms and how they’re used in the Jabberwocky. If you enjoy this, here’s a word search which requires you to find synonyms to certain words T2-E-161-Synonyms-Wordsearch_ver_1

Most children will be spending lots of time online at the moment – even accessing this work means you will be going online! Have a look at this power point about ‘Fake News’ and how important it is to think carefully about what you read online. UKS2 Safer Internet Day 2021 Lesson Presentation and complete this sheet Interactive PDF – Safer Internet Day 2021 9-11 Activity. If you’d like more, this website has a great game for you to play https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/8_10/

Have a great weekend. Only one more week of home learning!! We can’t wait to see you all back in school on Monday 8th March 🙂

Thursday’s learning – 25.2.21

Hello everyone 🙂 Here are your activities for Thursday.

Maths – We are looking at reflecting shapes through a mirror line and we’d like you to work through this worksheet: reflecting shapes If you don’t have a small mirror, this video link provides some good methods to help you https://www.mathswithmum.com/reflecting-shapes/

Literacy – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-generate-vocabulary-to-write-the-opening-c9j3ct and here’s a reading comprehension all about the Jabberwocky poem if you’d like to have a go, there’s some different levels of difficulty so just choose the right one for you. Jabberwocky Reading Comp Thu

RE – RE – Thursday

PE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5mREgx5Euw This is a funny one!

Wednesday’s learning – 24.2.21

Hello Year 5! Here is your learning for Wednesday:)

Maths – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-identify-and-describe-lines-of-symmetry-in-2-d-shapes-c5jk0c Here’s the worksheet if you’d like to print it in advance maths-ks2-lesson-mat-Wed and you may find this crossword challenging and fun 2D shape crossword

Literacy – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-explore-the-function-of-apostrophes-70up2d and in case you’d like to look at possession and contraction again to check your understanding – Showing Possession T2-E-289-Contractions-Worksheet_ver_3

RE – RE – Wednesday

Half Term Recount

We know activities were limited over half term with lockdown, however after talking to some of you on Teams yesterday we have realised that some of you did some great things! If you’d like, you could write a recount about the things you did over half term and e-mail them in for us to have a read. Don’t forget that recounts need to be in chronological order (the order that things happened).

This is completely optional, just a little extra activity if you’d like it 🙂

Tuesday’s Learning – 23.2.21

Hello Year 5, it was awesome to see so many of you via Teams yesterday 🙂

Maths – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-draw-2-d-shapes-based-on-their-properties-6xgk2c and here’s the worksheet to print – maths-ks2-lesson-mat-Tue and in case you’d like to test your 2D shape knowledge once more – Name the 2D shape

Literacy – https://teachers.thenational.academy/lessons/to-investigate-french-derived-sounds-ccu3ed and if you’d like a little bit extra – tp2-e-92-planit-y5-animals-jabberwocky-activity-sheet_ver_1 tue

RE – RE – Tuesday

PE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yI7PU5Sxj0 (if you’ve already done this session from yesterday, feel free to choose another).

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