Teams meetings

Just a final reminder Year 5 about our class meetings today – we can’t wait to see as many of you as possible!

5TP: 1:30

5M: 2:00

5H: 2:30


Monday’s Work 22/2/21

Hello Year 5, we hope you all had a wonderful half term!

Here is your learning for today:

Maths – Here’s the sheet in case you’d like to print it in advance – maths-ks2-lesson-Mon and here’s a little extra if you’d like – 2D shape properties

Literacy – We’re going to be focusing on the Jabberwocky poem this week by Lewis Carrol. Here it is for you to have a little read – Jabberwocky poem Draw what you think the Jabberwocky looks like and then use this link –

RE- Today we are going to be looking at Churches and Cathedrals. Here is the activity-

RE – Monday  If you’d like to do more, why don’t you create a PowerPoint presentation about Churches and Cathedrals local to us?

We look forward to seeing how well you do today 🙂

Home Learning Stars of the Week

Well done to every single one of you working from home this week. We have loved seeing all of your work and we hope you’ve enjoyed completing it. Our final SOTW selection for this half term is:

5H: Mylee

5M: Aron

5TP: Riley

Your certificates will be e-mailed to you by the end of the day 🙂 Well done!

Friday’s work

Hi Year 5!

We had a few technical issues with our page overnight so your work for today didn’t publish last night as it usually does. It has uploaded now so today’s work is ready and waiting for you. We’re sorry about this 🙂

RE work for Thursday

We are going to spend some time thinking about the question ‘What does it mean if God is Holy and Loving?’ Here is today’s work, there will be some more tomorrow, then we will continue with this question during the first week back after half term. We hope you enjoy this topic 🙂

RE – Thursday

Wednesday’s Home Learning

Hello Year 5! Here is your work for today, we hope you are enjoying this week so far.


Here is the worksheet if you’d like to print it in advance –



and some activities to test out your knowledge –



Art: Today we are looking at cubism. This is drawing using only straight lines. We’d love you to have a go at drawing a face using only straight lines like the example below. The artist here has used bold colours to add extra effect. We can’t wait to see your work!

Friday’s Home Learning

Happy Friday Year 5!


Here’s the worksheet – maths-ks2-lesson-mat-

If you’d like to finish the week with some arithmetic work, there may be some questions that you don’t know how to solve just yet, either leave them out or see if you can research how to answer them – Y5-Arithmetic-Full-Test-3


We’re so excited to see your completed Harriet Tubman biographies!


Take notice

If you choose the Beautiful Oops activity – you’ll need this Beautiful-oops-printable

Well done on another full week of learning from home. We’re so proud of you all!

Thursday’s Home Learning

Here’s your home learning for today Year 5 🙂


Here’s the worksheet – Line Graph and Timetable consolidation

If you want a little bit extra – Bus time table further activities


And the extra biography – Mother Teresa biography questions


Today is about learning something new! There are loads of ideas here, we really look forward to seeing what you’ve learnt.

Keep learning –



Wednesday’s Home Learning

Hello Year 5 – Wednesday already! We hope you’re enjoying your work this week. Keep sending your pictures in, we love to see your hard work.


Here’s the worksheet in case you want to print it in advance Timetable questions

And something extra to think about which you may want to look at, but this is optional 12 to 24 hour timetable


And if you’re enjoying reading other biographies Anne Frank biography questions


Today is all to do with Giving!


5 ways to wellbeing GIVE poster 


Tuesday’s Home Learning

Good Morning Year 5! It was so lovely to see so many of you on our Teams meetings yesterday.

Here is today’s home learning for you.


Here’s the Oak Academy worksheet – Timetable worksheet OA

And if you’d like a little extra activity – Create your own timetable


And if you’d like to look at another biography with some questions – Roald Dahl biography questions

Wellbeing Week: 

Today’s focus is connecting with people – Year 5 – Connect

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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