Teams Meeting

Good Morning Year 5,

We are aware that some of you are struggling to log in to your account on Teams or can’t see the meeting scheduled in your calendar. IT services are working on solving these problems but these MAY not be resolved until 9am tomorrow. We are sorry for these teething problems, hopefully once we’re up and running it will be a much smoother process. If these issues are not resolved by this afternoon, we will schedule another meeting for a different day this week and will put this information up as soon as we know more. If you can log in, and you can see the meeting for today, please join and we will catch up with you anyway.

Many Thanks 🙂

Monday’s Home Learning

Good Morning Year 5! Let’s get started on our Week 5 learning shall we?

Here’s our timetable for the week so you know what to expect:

Week 5

So here are today’s activities –


Here’s the worksheet from Oak Academy if you’d like to print it in advance Timetable worksheet OA 

And if you want something extra to keep busy Ext.


We’re going to be continuing on from the work on Biographies which you touched upon last week. By the end of the week you’ll have written a biography about Harriet Tubman. Don’t worry, you’ll learn everything you need to within these lessons. There aren’t any worksheets but you’ll need a workbook or a notebook for the activities throughout the lessons and for your final biography. 

If you’d like to read a different biography and answer some questions:

Usain Bolt – Biography questions


As part of our school wide ‘Wellbeing Week’, we’d like you to have a go at our Year 5 ideas for Monday.

Monday – Miles for Mind 

Home Learning Stars of the Week

We’ve all got a long list of children who we think deserve Star of the Week this week and it’s been a really tough decision for us to make. So if this week isn’t your week, carry on working super hard because your turn will definitely come!!

5TP – Maya

5M – Colbey

5H – Matilda


Home Learning SOTW

Good afternoon Year 5,

We have seen some incredible motivation, effort and talent this week with the work we have been sent. We are blown away by your approach to home learning as a year group so a big well done to all of you. Our home learning stars of the week are:

5TP – Hollie-May

5M – Owen

5H – Rebecca


Friday Home Learning

It’s Friday! Well done on almost making it through another week of learning from home. We’ve seen some fantastic examples of hard work this week and we’re so proud of you all.

Here’s your learning for today.


Times Table Friday 


Stephen Hawking Reading Task and Answers 


Set 1 spellings Set 2 Spellings


Complete your wellbeing booklet which you started on Monday. Here it is again if you need it. 

Wellbeing Booklet

If you would like further challenges please try the work below by using these links:




Thursday Home Learning

Hello everyone,

Here is your learning for today. We hope you enjoy it and give it your best go!


Rounding to nearest 10 word problems and answers

Rounding to the nearest 100 word problems and answers


We’d like you to write your own set of instructions. This can be for anything you would like. You may choose a recipe, how to play your favourite game or how to train a dog. If you like, you can use this template below.

Instructions template


Read this poem about gravity then we’d like you to have a go at writing your own. You can use the template to help you, or go it alone!

Gravity poem

If you would like further challenges please try the work below by using these links:




Happy learning 🙂

Mrs T-P

Purple Mash

Good Morning Year 5,

Some children have already had a go at the trial work on Purple Mash and have said that they enjoyed it. Therefore, we have put some more tasks for you to have a go at if you’d like. This is in addition to the work we are setting on the website and is not compulsory. When you log in, there is a bell shape at the top called ‘alerts’ and the activities for you to do will be in there called ‘To-Do’s’. This said, if there are other things on there that haven’t been set as work but you fancy having a go at, please go ahead 🙂

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Purple Mash

Good afternoon year 5,

We hope you’ve had a good Monday and have enjoyed the work we have asked you to do. We’ve received some very impressive examples of your work to our email address so well done to those children. As a reminder, if you’d like us to see your work, please e-mail it through to

We are testing out using Purple Mash to set you some further challenges. I have set some ‘Time’ work just as a trial. If possible, could you log on and have a go at this, and we’ll see how much engagement we get from you guys and if you are able to complete it then we can set more work. It’s a great programme for us to see your work on as soon as you’ve completed it. If you need a reminder of your log in details, ask your parents to e-mail us and we’ll find them for you.

Mrs Tidman-Poole 🙂

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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