Wellbeing Booklet

It’s always important to look after our mental and physical wellbeing, but it’s even more important to do it during these tricky times. Here is a booklet for you to work through, there are plenty of things for you to think about and to do while you’re at home. You will work through this booklet this afternoon, but if you don’t finish (it’s important not to rush) then you will have time to finish it on Friday afternoon.

Wellbeing Booklet

Monday’s Literacy

We are going to be looking at Instruction writing this week. One of the features of instructions are imperative verbs. These tell the reader what to do, they are a bossy verb. The links below will explain further and also have some activities. It’s up to you which link you choose, or even if you’d like to do both!

Imperative Verbs


Year 5 Stars of the Week

All of the year 5 staff would like to say a huge well done to all of the children for working so hard at home this week. We have seen some fantastic work sent to our e-mail address and have spoken to some very proud parents! Based on this, we have chosen the following children to be our Stars of the Week:

Cruz – Y5 Bubble SOTW

Zach – 5TP SOTW

Eleanor – 5M SOTW

Keegan – 5H SOTW

Times Table Friday

Times Table Friday

Each Friday we will focus on improving our times table knowledge. Once you’ve completed this challenging sheet, log into Times Table Rockstars and see if you can earn yourself some coins!

TTRS Year Group Battle

Next week, Miss Mogg will be setting up a Times Table Rockstar battle within our year group. Now is the time to get practicing so that you’re ready to help your set win!

Home Learning Routine

Home Learning Routine

Good Morning,

A few parents have said that the photograph of the home learning routine document which was put on the Facebook page last night is quite small when you come to print it off. Please see above the document in PDF format which should hopefully help with this problem 🙂

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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