Year 3 R.E

In Year 3 we have been learning about the Holy Trinity and how this can be represented through art work.

The children then created their own pictures to represent the Holy Trinity.    

Year 3 Art

Our art topic this term is portraits, today the children practised their colour mixing skills to try and match their skin tone. They then used this to create some fabulous self portraits which we will be finishing next week. 😊

Year 3 History

Year 3 are learning all about the Tudor period in History and this week looked at the different foods that were eaten during this time. The children then created a meal that might’ve been eaten by a rich or poor Tudor.

We all agreed that we were glad we don’t have to eat these meals!

Year 3 author work

In year 3 this week we have been learning about the author Michael Rosen, the children really enjoyed listening to some of his stories and poems and have produced some fantastic fact files about him too!



Year 3 Maths

We have had a great morning in Year 3 representing numbers up to 100 using dienes, the children were able to explain how many tens and ones they needed.

Year 3 Science

This week year 3 had a special visitor from Telford Podiatry who came to speak to us about how important science is and she uses it within her job. The children were really interested to find out all of the different things that she does and even got the chance to explore a few pieces of equipment!

Year 3 Maths

In Year 3 this week we have been looking at angles, this morning we went on a right angle hunt around the classroom!

Year 4 Lego League

For the past 10 weeks some of the year 4 children have been attending Lego STEM club after school in preparation for today’s Lego festival. The children had to create a project using Lego which focused on talents and hobbies, they created their own models and used a coding program to add lights, movement and sound!

Today, the children presented their models to a team of judges who all commented on how well the children spoke about their projects and were really impressed with how well they worked together as a team. A huge well done to both of the teams who ended up winning ‘Best presentation’ and ‘Best coding’.

We had a fantastic day and the children really represented all of our school values.😊

Year 3 Science

This week in science we have been looking at seed dispersal. We discussed all of the different ways that this happens and why it is so important. The children made their own seeds to demonstrate how wind dispersal works.

Year 3 RE

In RE we have been looking at ways people show they care for others. This week we listened to some songs about caring and the children then had a go at writing their own lyrics and created an album cover!

Music Silver Award
British Dyslexia
Ofsted Outstanding
Eco Schools
School Gardening
Wellbeing Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
School Games Platinum Award
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